November 28, 2016

Welcome back!  To celebrate the rough return to the workaday world after time spent with friends and family, we're looking at a teaser pitch from Brad Hoppmann's Global Trend Trader -- he's getting us all hot and bothered about infrastructure stocks, with a spiel that promises returns from 95% to 500%, so what is it that he's actually recommending?  The Thinkolator took a little time to warm up today after a week's respite, but we got her chugging along to find those three "Ride the infrastructure megatrend" stocks, just click below to...
Your $50 Ticket to the "$100 Billion Pot Stock Bonanza"
The $100 billion marijuana industry is dominated by penny stocks...

With legalization sweeping the country, these penny stocks have already begun skyrocketing in price...

Take action TODAY and you have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to turn a tiny $50 investment into an absolute fortune.

Each year at Thanksgiving time I look back and see which of the teaser picks touted by newsletters comes up as the worst, most ridiculous, or poorest performing stock pick -- and there are always plenty of candidates, even during these past seven or eight years of mostly rising markets.  So who takes home the coveted prize this year?  Just click below to...
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