TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 11, 2016

Why Can't Wealthy Cities Fix the Homeless Problem?

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

An unprecedented San Fran Chronicle media project shows all the obstacles even the richest cities have in addressing the divisive and persistent problem. READ MORE»

Michelle Alexander: It's Not Enough to Just Deplore Horrific Violence

By Michelle Alexander,

We need a profound shift in our collective consciousness in order to challenge an entrenched system of racial and social control -- and build a new America. READ MORE»

The Right-Wing Is Already Hellbent on Smearing the Black Lives Matter Movement After Dallas

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

"All Lives Matter" must be transformed from a BLM smear to honoring the lives of heroes and police brutality victims. READ MORE»

Trump's Biggest Scam - Fooling His Voters into Thinking He's One of Them

By Nomi Prins, Craig Wilson, Tom Dispatch

Trump's actual relationship to the establishment is complex in an opportunistic way. READ MORE»

Why the Opt out Movement Is Crucial for the Future of Public Education

By Diane Ravitch, The Huffington Post

The most powerful tool parents have to stop this madness is to refuse to allow their children to take the tests. READ MORE»

10 Facts From History That Turn Gun Control Debate on Its Head


Gun control in the U.S.has historically been a racist’s weapon of choice against revolting slaves and Black militia READ MORE»

How Marijuana Can Help Reduce Prescription Drug Use

By Clark Mindock, International Business Times

A new study finds that states that allow medical marijuana see decreased rates of prescription drug use and big savings for Medicare. READ MORE»

Police Have Been Safer under Obama Administration Than Every President in 35 Years: Analysis

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Blaming Obama or Black Live Matter activists, isn’t supported by any of the data available. READ MORE»

I Spent My Honeymoon in Prison - for a Damned Good Reason

By Daphne Wysham, Other Words

With one tiny loose bolt, oil trains can erupt into an inferno, scorching everything for miles. READ MORE»

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