TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 25, 2017

How Corporate Media Enabled the GOP's Audacious Plan to Steal Health Care Coverage from 23 Million Americans

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

Corporate media is finally talking about Trumpcare. It’s too little too late.  READ MORE»

Why the Right Wing's War on Facts Is Driving the Divide in America

By Sophia A. McClennen, Salon

Forget red state vs. blue state. Now the line of separation runs between those who prefer facts to fantasy. READ MORE»

John McCain and Paul Ryan Hold 'Good Meeting' With Veteran Ukrainian Nazi Demagogue Andriy Parubiy

By Ben Norton, Max Blumenthal, AlterNet

Two of the GOP’s most powerful figures gave a PR boost to violent neo-Nazi forces rampaging across Ukraine. READ MORE»

Federal Judge Orders Ivanka Trump to Testify Over ‘Knockoff’ Shoe Design

By Bob Brigham, Raw Story

Ivanka’s public statements undermined her lawyer’s defense.  READ MORE»

ATMs in Churches Across the US? Why Cash Is Considered Sacred

By James Hudnut-Beumler , The Conversation

ATMs began appearing in churches providing a way for people to come up with ready cash to give to God and their church. But why was cash necessary? READ MORE»

Who the Heck Is Michael Cohen? Everything You Were Afraid to Ask about this Suddenly Important Person

By Bill Scheft, Salon

Can't keep up with who's lawyered up in the White House? Here's the deep dirt on Trump's personal counsel. READ MORE»

Can This Progressive Ironworker (and His Mustache) Swipe Paul Ryan's Seat?

By Adam Gabbatt, The Guardian

Randy Bryce’s campaign is offering a boots-and-denim alternative to Washington’s elite. Can he take on the most senior Republican in Congress? READ MORE»

10 Sustainable Fashion Brands That Will Keep You—and Planet Earth—Looking Good

By Mary Mazzoni, AlterNet

Before you refresh that summer wardrobe, consult our list and spend your dollar where it counts. READ MORE»

Senior Israeli Rabbi Calls for the Mass Execution of Palestinians

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

Shmuel Eliyahu has a long history of hate speech. READ MORE»

Here’s What Nobody Ever Tells You about Lasik Eye Surgery

By Chris Riotta, Newsweek

"It’s totally painless," I remember being told. READ MORE»

Why You Should Take a Real Lunch Break

By Jill Suttie, Yes! Magazine

According to a new study, we concentrate better and feel less stressed when we fully detach from work and enjoy a real breather. READ MORE»

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