Paramedic Danny Jantjies, portrayed by actor Bradley Olivier, on Binnelanders, will remain on-screen on kykNET (DStv 144) until the end of October following the actor's death on Thursday. Binnelanders publicist Michelle Nortje told News24 the character would remain on-screen for the next three months as Stark Films had already completed episodes featuring Danny for playout. "The writers' room is currently very busy to decide how the character's exit will be handled. The final decision on how Danny will leave Binnelanders has not been made yet." Sources close to the situation told News24 that Olivier's unexpected death after the 2021 death of fellow Binnelanders actor Ben Kruger, who portrayed Okkie Ferreira on the show, has been traumatic for everyone. Else Stark, Binnelanders producer, said, "The shock and sadness after the sudden passing of Bradley is difficult to process – he was still so young and such a beloved member of the Binnelanders actors corps". Olivier's untimely death also changes the emotional tenor of the blue carpet premiere of Frankie & Felipe at kykNET's 11th Silwerskermfees film festival in Camps Bay, Cape Town. It is the first film that Olivier produced with actor Solomon Cupido under their joint production company Sturvey Pictures. Click 'read more' for the full story. |