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Rivers Retires

Our anonymous, conservative cartoonist, Rivers, has retired. Here’s the cartoon that Rivers drew to announce his retirement.

Rivers was controversial for for his far-right views, generating much of the angry email we receive, along with “cancel culture” demands that we drop him from our line up.

Rivers was more controversial among some other cartoonists for his choice to draw anonymously under a pen name, an unusual choice for an American cartoonist, but a choice that didn’t bother me, and didn’t seem to bother editors or readers (it was his right-wing views that bothered many readers and editors).

Rivers has at least one liberal fan – me! I’m leaving the door open for Rivers to draw occasional cartoons in the future, so don’t be surprised if a new and disturbing Rivers cartoon pops up.  Here are some of Rivers‘ recent cartoons.

See more Rivers cartoons here on

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