| Occasionally, an opportunity comes to our attention at Michaels Finance Corner we believe readers like you will find valuable. This message from one of our partners is one we believe you should take a close look at. |
Could the 2024 election be a done deal?
The elites14 are undermining election integrity, no matter how many votes are cast or what the polls predict.15
What if this is part of a long-term plan to try to control every future election?16
Take action now. Get the FREE Guide that explains how you can help safeguard your future with gold. | 14 “Big Money is spending more than ever to influence our political system, and it’s working,” says RepresentUs CEO Joshua Graham Lynn. “The American people deserve to know where candidates are getting their funding and who’s trying to influence them.
15 There are some ominous signs that Democrats will bend or break rules if they think it will help them. Liberal think tanks may talk about threats to the vote. Yet their attempt to label election laws about cleaning up the voter rolls and ensuring a fair count as well as the right to appeal questionable results as "election subversion" seems more a matter of projection than a sensible guide to protecting the process. Democrat-led legislatures might take that to heart later this year and begin undermining efforts toward a fair count.
16 There are some ominous signs that Democrats will bend or break rules if they think it will help them. Liberal think tanks may talk about threats to the vote. Yet their attempt to label election laws about cleaning up the voter rolls and ensuring a fair count as well as the right to appeal questionable results as "election subversion" seems more a matter of projection than a sensible guide to protecting the process. Democrat-led legislatures might take that to heart later this year and begin undermining efforts toward a fair count. |
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