TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 18, 2017

Here’s What It's Going to Take for Democrats to Take Back the House in 2018

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Bannon is on the defensive. There's red dread and blue hope. But election data nerds say Dems must do even more next year.  READ MORE»

Trump Is Really Trying to Set the World on Fire

By Rebecca Gordon, TomDispatch

And the whole world burns. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: A Guide to Why the Trump-Republican Tax Plan Is a Disgrace—for When You Confront Your Republican Uncle Bob During the Holidays

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog

Shame on Trump and the Republicans who have lied to the pubic about its consequences.  READ MORE»

Jim Hightower: Scamazon—The Online Retail Giant Is One Big Swindle

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

Cities all falling all over themselves to win Amazon's heart, and their desperation is pathetic.  READ MORE»

Why Even the Idea That Neocon Senator Tom Cotton Might Run Trump’s CIA Is Scary

By Max Blumenthal, AlterNet

The Strangelovian senator apparently subscribes to a world war without end. READ MORE»

Here's How Trump Is Pitting Local Police Against the FBI

By David Edwards, Raw Story

Malcom Nance explains how Trump is using the 'authoritarian playbook.' READ MORE»

A ‘Security Robot’ for the Homeless Has Already Been Tried—It Didn’t Go Well

By Erin McCormick, The Guardian

The 400lb machine that once patrolled outside the San Francisco SPCA prompted a backlash, as some argued its real mission was to drive people away. READ MORE»

This Is How to Invest Locally

By Valerie Vande Panne, AlterNet

It's time for a paradigm shift in how we think about money. READ MORE»

9 Ways Scientists Are Exploring the Body’s Relationship with Marijuana

By Martin A. Lee, Project CBD

Better living through endocannabinoid science.  READ MORE»

Are You Suffering from Selfitis?

The Guardian

A new study has identified the taking of too many selfies as an actual illness. But how do you know if you’ve got it? READ MORE»

The GOP's Favorite Weapon to Hijack Our Elections

By Eliza Newlin Carney, The American Prospect

Voter suppression doesn’t always work, as Democrats learned in Alabama, but Republicans will be back—and they have some new tricks up their sleeves. READ MORE»

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