In this issue, August 3, 2021 View it in your browser.

Robo-Gym, CNCF Tech Radar, Ably & Kubernetes, GitLab Package Hunter, GraalVM 21.2, Java 17, WebContainers, Unicorn Project, Distributed DevOps, GitHub’s Microservices

Discover new technical insights from software leaders pushing the boundaries. Attend QCon Plus Software Development Conference.

Learn from technical talks, engage in real-time live sessions and connect with like-minded peers at optional in-person events. Book your spot at QCon Plus this November and discover what tech trends should be on your radar. Save $250 if you register before August 31st.

Michael Perry on Immutable Architecture, CAP Theorem, and CRDTs

In this episode of the InfoQ podcast, Charles Humble talks to Michael Perry about the eight fallacies of distributed computing CAP Theorem, CRDTs, eventual consistency, and his book “The Art of Immutable Architecture”. (Podcast)

Cliff Berg and Raj Nagappan on Agile 2: the Next Iteration of Agile

In this podcast, Shane Hastie spoke to Cliff Berg and Raj Nagappan about Agile 2, the next iteration of agile and how it is an evolution of the ideas from the original agile manifesto based on what has changed over the last 20 years. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. BasisAI Open Source Boxkite Machine Learning Monitoring Tool

  2. Joanneum Research Releases Robot AI Platform Robo-Gym Version 1.0.0

Benefits of Loosely Coupled Deep Learning Serving

As deep networks are becoming more specialized and resource-hungry, serving such networks on acceleration hardware in tight-budget environments is also becoming difficult. Instead of using API frameworks, loosely coupled components can be preferred as an alternative. They bring high controllability, easy adaptability, transparent observability, and cost-effectiveness when serving deep networks. (Article)


Cockroach Labs

Amazon Aurora vs CockroachDB

Looking for the best Cloud SQL database? Check out the guide to learn why CockroachDB wins over Amazon Aurora.


  1. Need Help Tracking Cloud Emissions? Microsoft Previews Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability

  2. AWS Announces Customizable Image Support for Amazon EMR on EKS

  3. Q&A with Jeff Hollan of Microsoft Regarding Azure Application Services on Kubernetes

  4. CNCF Publishes Latest Technology Radar Focused on Multicluster Management

  5. Making a Case against Kubernetes at Ably

How to Bridge the Gap between Netops and Secops for Ultimate Network Management and Security

Sometimes it can seem like a new IT management paradigm arrives every week. First, we had DevOps; then DevSecOps; now the most innovative organizations are talking about AIOps and even NetAIOps. Yet what is often forgotten about in this rush to name new ways of working is that many of them have been in place in the best-run teams for decades - a great example of this is NetOps and SecOps. (Article)



Real-Time APIs: Design, Operation, and Observation

Download this eBook to learn about the challenges in producing a real-time APIs ecosystem, how to design APIs for speed and observability, and how to load test APIs with ease. You’ll also explore four case studies of implementing real-time APIs. Download now.


  1. GitLab Open-Sources Package Hunter, Falco-Based Tool to Detect Malicious Code

GitHub Funds Independent Legal Support for Developers against DMCA

GitHub has launched a program to offer developers free legal support from Stanford Law School against DMCA takedowns requested under Section 1201. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with Mike Linksvayer, head of developer policy at GitHub, and Phil Malone, director of Juelsgaard Clinic, Stanford Law. (News)



Effective Feature Management (By O’Reilly)

What if you could "safely" ship features faster? Would you be even more agile? Deploy when you want, release when you’re ready. And learn how companies like Netflix, Atlassian, and others gain a competitive edge with Effective Feature Management practices, written by LaunchDarkly CTO and co-founder, John Kodumal. Download the Book.


  1. GraalVM 21.2 Improves Native Components

  2. Is Java 17 a Glass Half Full?

Java News Roundup: IntelliJ IDEA 21.2, Quarkus 2.1, Micronaut 3.0.0-M5, WildFly, Payara Platform

This week's Java roundup for July 26th, 2021, features news from JDK 17, JDK 18, the road to Micronaut 3.0.0, Quarkus 2.1.0, Apache Camel Quarkus 2.1.0, WildFly 24.0.1, Josh Long’s latest edition of the Bootiful Podcast, IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2, IntelliJ Scala Plugin 2021.2, RefactorFirst 0.2.0 and Apache Tuweni 2.0. (News)



Encryption is Not Enough: The Need for Zero Trust in Cloud Data Security

This white paper describes the measures required to implement a zero trust environment for data. When combined with encryption, these measures help achieve defense in depth. You’ll also learn the benefits of encryption and what is needed to improve the overall security posture. Download now.

WebContainers, Running Node.JS in the Browser

Stackblitz recently released a new product called WebContainers that enables developers to create full stack Node.js environments within the browser which loads instantly and comes bundled with VS Code, a full terminal, NPM, and more. (News)

Add Augmented Reality Effects to Android Apps Using the VrFace Library

In this article, we describe how to create augmented reality applications for Android using the open-source VrFace library. In the process, you will also learn about basic vision and ML techniques, including how to process camera frames using OpenCV and how to detect faces and facial feature points using appropriate models. (Article)

Architecting for Focus, Flow, and Joy: beyond the Unicorn Project

The panelists discuss some of the most fun and least fun moments coding, how functional programming practices have helped, and how productivity can be unleashed at a team-of-teams scale. (Presentation with transcript included)
Find out what should be on your radar from world-class domain experts. Discover emerging software trends and innovations. Book your spot at QCon Plus November 2021.



How to Accelerate your Microservices Journey with Choreo

This article discusses how Choreo can help organizations to accelerate their microservices adoption and become a fully agile, innovative enterprise with minimal effort and time spent on building the infrastructure. Learn more.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Distributed DevOps Teams: Enabling Non-Stop Delivery

GitHub’s Journey from Monolith to Microservices

This article explores GitHub's recent journey towards a microservices architecture. It takes a deeper look at GitHub’s historical and current state, goes over some internal and external factors, and discusses practical consideration points in how Github tackled their migration, including key concepts and best practices of implementing microservices architecture. (Article)



What is Professional Scrum?

Scrum is a simple yet powerful way to bring order to complexity through learning. Scrum requires more than following the mechanics: it requires professionalism. Learn about Professional Scrum here.

How to Work Better Together: Building DEI Awareness in Tech

We have a diversity problem in technology. Many of our visions and standards of success are centered around one group of people, even though there are many groups contributing to global advancement and growth. The main reason for this is legacy, similar to legacy code. We can overcome this inherited debt by educating ourselves and planning time to do work to rebuild and replace our “legacy code”. (Article)

Less Mess, Less Stress: the Reliability Benefits of Custom Tools

Daniel Hochman discusses how an overreliance on vendor tooling leads to worse reliability outcomes, how Lyft lowered MTTR for its most common alerts using custom tooling, and how Clutch can help. (Presentation with transcript included)


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Making Sense out of Incident Metrics

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