High-impact announcements could rock the market over the next 6 days
You’ve got a rare chance to absorb a combined 70+ years of trading experience all in one day.
You see, rarely do legendary trader Roger Scott and I team up.

But when we do, it’s because there’s a real opportunity ahead….

And this time, it involves a totally overlooked opportunity that you simply do not want to miss out on.

We noticed that there are specific days with big announcements that make the market move much more than other days.

So we put together a new way to take advantage of these high-impact announcements.

Honestly, we put it together just in time…

Because a series of announcements are set to hit the U.S. economy over the next 6 days that could send stocks soaring…

And we’re ready to target what could be big moves on those stocks in the aftermath.

We can’t promise returns or against losses, but we even believe some of these stocks could explode - literally overnight.

If you want to see how we’ll target gains from these big announcements, check out this video now.

See you on the flip side,