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Plus: Life in the post-internet dystopia...
December 29, 2020
Ron DeSantis Is TNR’s 2020 Scoundrel of the Year

An heir to Trumpism, the Florida governor has concealed the severity of the coronavirus pandemic and fomented a depraved indifference to human life.

By Jeb Lund


Life in the Post-Internet Dystopia Don DeLillo’s and Jonathan Lethem’s new novels imagine the end of electronic communication.By Alexander Chee
Workers of the Facebook, Unite! Trust-busting isn’t the only way to bring the tech behemoth to heel. The company’s own employees can organize to force Mark Zuckerberg’s hand.By Jacob Silverman


How to Make the Paris Agreement Really Work The climate accord will only succeed if the Biden administration can think outside of it.By Kate Aronoff
The Midwives of Appalachia Get Organized Despite the region’s rich history of reproductive care, birth options remain incredibly limited. A group of midwives in Kentucky want to change that.By Sarah Baird
Joe Biden Doesn’t Need the GOP’s Permission to Fix Our Broken Immigration System The presidency confers broad powers that will allow him to roll back all of the damage done by his predecessor.By Felipe De La Hoz
Labor Power Is the Key to Racial Equity The next big American conversation about race should take place in a union hall.By Thomas Geoghegan


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