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March 24, 2023
Who Said It: Tucker Carlson or George Wallace?
Racists from different eras still sound a lot alike.
by The New Republic
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A roundup of ideas for how to break fossil fuels’ hold over the country’s dysfunctional political system
by Heather Souvaine Horn
Jimmie Duncan is on death row in Louisiana based on fraudulent science—but that might not matter if the state’s governorship flips this fall.
by Lara Bazelon
Ron DeSantis and the Republican legislature want to make it easier to sue journalists. But right-wing outlets will be the ripest targets if defamation laws are loosened.
by Matt Ford
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The Florida governor and presumptive presidential candidate is falling in the polls and making the same mistakes as Trump’s past rivals.
by Alex Shephard
From the archives:
“Crack was a parody of Reaganism, I concluded, a brief high with a bad aftertaste and untold bodily damage.”
by Jefferson Morley

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