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11 March 2016 | A roundup of Rotary news
Successful women mentor youth through Rotary

Rotary has given Clara Montanez a platform to mentor young women as they balance career and family. Jackie Huie has used her Rotary connections to create a program that matches high school juniors and seniors with a mentor in the career they would like to pursue. Learn more about how Rotary inspired these two women and read Montanez' blog post on the five concerns facing professional women today.


Inspiring Women of Action

Rotary, Oppenheimer, Global Partnership for Education, and the World Bank joined together to present an International Women’s Day event featuring two of Rotary’s Women of Action, Marion Bunch and Deepa Willingham. The event illustrated how women use innovative health and education projects to change the world and improve lives.

Watch a recording of the event
Read Rotary member Quentin Wodon’s review


Touching lives in Honduras

Who knew a pair of shoes could create such an impact? Neal Beard, a member of the Rotary Club of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, USA, has been taking part in his club’s village electrification project in Honduras since 2006. This year, he discovered how rewarding and humbling it can be to deliver a new pair of shoes.

Read about Beard’s visit
Learn more about the Honduras project

Rotary International

District leaders and club officers can now review inquiries from prospective, referred, and relocating or returning members — all in one place. Sign in to My Rotary and visit the Club and District Administration pages to discover how easy it is to manage your online membership leads and review reports.


The Rotary Foundation turns 100 in 2016-17! Our Foundation stands at the forefront of humanitarian service, having supported thousands of projects to provide clean water, fight disease, promote peace, and support basic education — as well as the historic initiative dedicated to eradicating polio worldwide.


Share your #RotaryStory

How has your life or community been touched by Rotary? We’d like to hear about your experiences, accomplishments, and favorite moments. Add a photo, a video, or just a few sentences to share your #RotaryStory.

Resources & reference

Rotary Voices: Stories of service from around the world
Rotary Leader: Helping club and district officers achieve success
Rotary Images: Download photos to use in your club or district publications

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