Media Winners & Losers

Stephanie Ruhle

People have strong and widely divergent opinions about transgender issues, specifically the issue of transgender student athletes competing against others. But it's also fair to say that lawmakers should be able to explain the reasons behind the bills they pass on this issue (on every issue, actually, but we digress).

MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle tore into Gov. Jim Justice (R-WV) Friday morning, as he struggled to offer any evidence to defend why he signed a bill a few days ago that would prohibit transgender girls and women from competing on sports teams, asking him if he could name a single example of a transgender child trying to get an unfair advantage in West Virginia.

“I can’t really tell you one, but I can tell you this, Stephanie, I’m a coach and I coach a girl’s basketball team and I can tell you, we all know — we all know what absolute advantage boys would have playing against girls,” he argued. 

Ruhle did ask a fair question. If the government is going to pass a law banning something, they should be able to explain to their constituents why the law is needed. Justice wouldn't have necessarily had to use an example from his state; logically student athletes are facing similar competitive issues around the country. But he didn't have one example. 

Ruhle didn't really take a position on the issue. She was just asking the governor to articulate his reasons for signing the bill. She also pointed out other pressing issues in West Virginia that might be better priorities

The New York Post

Oof. Rough week for the New York Post: one of their reporters, Laura Italiano, publicly resigned after her story about Vice President Kamala Harris' book being given to migrant children at the border was thoroughly debunked. 

 “The Kamala Harris story — an incorrect story I was ordered to write and which I failed to push back hard enough against — was my breaking point," wrote Italiano. 

The Post responded with a terse statement: "The New York Post does not order reporters to deliberately publish factually inaccurate information. In this case, the story was amended as soon as it came to the editors’ attention that it was inaccurate."

We're unimpressed. Either Italiano is telling the truth, so shame on the Post for ordering a reporter to write an unethical and untrue story, or she isn't, in which case the Post's excuse about the story being "amended as soon as it came to the editor's attention" is a steaming pile of bovine excrement. After-the-fact editing is just being the literary version of a janitor, cleaning up someone else's mess but not actually in charge.

The whole point of editors is to review stories for accuracy, grammatical correctness, etc. before publication. Journalists are imperfect humans, typos and errors happen, but failing to apply editorial standards ahead of time is not a defense. 

The A-Block

Bad day (week? month? year?) for "G" men

Tough times for Trumplican dudes whose last names start with "G." Both Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and former personal attorney to former President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, found themselves in an uncomfortable media spotlight this week.

The ongoing criminal case against Gaetz's pal, former Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg, already sounded like an outlandish script for a new Florida Man television drama

"But wait! There's more!" as informercial hosts love to proclaim, and oh, there is. Greenberg allegedly wrote several drafts of a confession letter and sent it to convicted felon and Trump pardonee, Roger Stone. There are screenshots of the messages the two reportedly exchanged. And an alleged offer of a $250,000 Bitcoin payment if Stone had been able to successfully secure a pardon from Trump for Greenberg.

Unsurprisingly, Twitter had an exuberant parade of mocking tweets in response to the story. Pizza-Gaetz, indeed.

And then there's Rudy.

His home and office were raided by federal agents, who seized multiple electronic devices. He dropped multiple bizarre rants about the whole incident, first on his radio show and then on live TV with Fox News' Tucker Carlson

It got really weird, really fast. There were claims about Hunter Biden's laptop and declarations about "the iCloud."

Another former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen, said he thinks Giuliani will flip on Trump

Stock up on your favorite flavor of popcorn, folks. We're pretty sure we haven't heard the last twists and turns in these wild tales.

In Other News...

WATCH: 10 Years Ago Today Obama and Seth Meyers Roasted Trump Into a Presidential Run

MAGA Attorney Lin Wood Crazily Insists Donald Trump Is Still in the Oval Office

Tucker Carlson Says Media Performed 'A Series Of Symbolic Sex Acts' on Biden After Speech to Congress

WATCH: Joe and Jill Biden Confirm There Will Be a White House Cat That Major Has Been Trained Not to Eat

Must See Clip

Well, that's embarrassing 

The reports of Capitol rioters getting nabbed by their own social media boasts or gleeful exes keep on coming. Many of those who allegedly participated in the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 are now facing federal charges because of something they themselves tweeted, or because their grinning faces were recognized as national television live streamed the chaos.

CNN New Day co-host Brianna Keilar brought the receipts with an entertaining (or as Mediaite's Colby Hall put it, "schadenfreudtastic") segment Friday morning listing some of the most absurd examples. 

Our personal favorite is probably the guy who was wearing an "I Was There Jan. 6" t-shirt when he was arrested. 

Watch the clip here.

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