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Don't Be Afraid to Reinvent Yourself by Using the Power of Yes

Face Your Fears — And Reclaim Your Life

FRIEND FRIDAY – Paten Hughes Is an Heirloom Tomato Farmer and Actress Who Combines the Two in a Clever New Web Series


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Running To
From Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Joy of Adoption
By Chalise Annett Bourque

The interests of childhood and youth are the interests of mankind.
~Edmund Storer Janes

On a fall day in Kansas, expecting a daily check-in call from my mom or last-minute instructions for my sons' Halloween parties, I picked up the telephone to hear "crackle... crackle... come get..." and what sounded like, "She's seven." Even with a bad connection and thousands of miles between us, the caller could only be Sister Rita, an American nun who'd lived the past fourteen years in a tiny Brazilian village. She had news we'd waited years to hear, "You have a daughter!"

It took several more calls to learn that our six-year-old daughter, Diana, lived sometimes with her blind grandmother, sometimes with her intellectually challenged mother. But, mostly, this little girl ran about in the jungle taking care of herself.
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How One Little Word Can Reenergize Your Life!

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Watch as Amy Newmark, editor-in-chief of Chicken Soup for the Soul, shares stories from our new book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Yes! on Hallmark Channel's Home & Family TV Show.

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A healthy dog is a happy dog. Check out our Chicken Soup for the Soul pet blog for an easy-to-follow list of the top three nutrients your dog needs right now!


Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Yes! Get yours now!

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101 stories about trying new things, overcoming your fears, and broadening your world!

Looking for a new series to watch? HEIRLOOM is a romantic comedy starring Paten Hughes as a down-on-her-luck actress who moves to California and reinvents herself as a tomato farmer. Her new tomato farm soon yields new friends, a new business, and a new shot at love. All nine episodes are available on Popcornflix.

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