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The Scottish Government - Rural Issues
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Monday, October 1, 2018

Rural Issues

Other Issues

Women in Agriculture Event - Lindy Nelson Talk

Come and hear Lindy Nelson, the CEO of the New Zealand Agri-Women's Development Trust who will be speaking at Dewars Centre in Perth on 4 October 2018. 

She will be talking about her experiences and how she developed their women in agriculture leadership programme which is supporting farming and rural communities across New Zealand.

The Scottish Women in Agriculture taskforce is finalising a similar pilot.

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Less than two years left under amnesty for agricultural tenants

Tenant farmers across Scotland have less than two years left to consider if they have improvements to notify their landlord about under the way go amnesty. 

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Tenant Farming Commissioner publishes updated guidance on rent reviews

Scotland's Tenant Farming Commissioner, Bob McIntosh, has today published updated guidance on negotiating and conducting rent reviews.

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Environmentally friendly farming

A new funding round under the Agri-Environmental Climate Scheme for 2019 has been announced.

The scheme, which promotes land management practices that protect and enhance Scotland's natural heritage, improve water quality, manage flood risk and mitigate and adapt to climate change, will open for applications early in January.

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Beef Efficiency Scheme - Advisory Services

One of the requirements of the Beef Efficiency Scheme is that customers need to attend one of the group events organised by the Farm Advisory Service (FAS) that are held throughout the country.

Due to the unprecedented weather the country has experienced this year, it has been decided that the event will be opened up to all farmers and crofters.

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Farm Advisory Service update

In response to concerns that this year's weather conditions will result in Scottish farmers and crofters facing feed and fodder shortages this winter, Scottish Government has opened this autumn's Beef Efficiency Scheme events for all farmers and crofters to attend. We are also working with NFUS and the Scottish Land Commission to deliver a roadshow, New Entrants to Farming - Planning For The Future throughout October and November at six locations across Scotland.


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Plans to maximise venison in domestic and international markets

The first ever strategy for Scotland's wild and farmed venison sector has been launched, with the aim of bringing together the wild and farmed deer interests for the first time, and setting out nine "key area" for growth across the sector.   

Those key areas include skills-building initiatives, a fund to support new entrants to venison farming and the need for further research and development.

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Bank lending to Scottish Farming

There was a slow-down in the total lending from banks to Scottish agriculture over the past year.

Outstanding debts to Scottish farms rose by one per cent (£22 million) in the year to 31 May 2018. Total outstanding lending to the agricultural sector amounted to £2.34 billion. Accounting for inflation, this was a decrease of 0.6 per cent since May 2017.

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Doug Avery Tours Scotland

Doug Avery is a farmer from New Zealand. After extreme drought, battles with mental health and his business facing financial difficulties, he made some life changing decisions that saved him and his business.

Doug will be travelling around Scotland telling his story; his insights will give inspiration to anyone looking or needing to change their approach to business and/or life.

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