Read Mary Trump on Donald peddling the Second Big Lie: that January 6 was just legitimate protest.

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In this issue:



Donald’s Plot Against America

Now, he and his GOP enablers are peddling the Second Big Lie:
that January 6 was just legitimate protest. It’s the crucial ingredient
in convincing America to return them—and him—to power.

By Mary L. Trump


Twenty Years On, Are We Any Smarter?

Our foreign policy wise people responded to 9/11 by
embracing belligerence. What, if anything, have they learned? 

By Jordan Michael Smith


Behind the GOP Strategy To Outlaw Trans Youth

Activists are beating back Republicans’ virulent attacks on trans
rights. But the battle is costing the trans community.

By Melissa Gira Grant


Can Biden Defy History?

Conventional wisdom says the Democrats are finished after the midterms. But the conventional wisdom might be wrong.

By Walter Shapiro


Signs & Wonders

The Radicalization of Clarence Thomas

His time working for Monsanto and other polluting industries helped make him the fierce conservative he is today.

By Scott W. Stern


The New WikiLeaks

How a transparency collective eclipsed Julian Assange

By Jacob Silverman



A tenuous note of shared victory

By John Patrick Leary


Critical Thinking

Conservative parents win school board seats by promising to fight “critical race theory.”

By Jake Bittle


Books & The Arts

Decades of Fear

How the War on Terror undermined American democracy

By Patrick Iber


Lengthening Shadows

Why W.G. Sebald kept returning to the horrors of the past

By Ryu Spaeth


Empathy Exams

Is there a place for human connection in Richard Powers’s intricate novels of ideas?

By Gish Jen


Unfinished Business

What the revolutionary groups of the 1960s left undone

By Michael Kazin


State of the Union

The early history of the American republic has come to carry too much meaning.

By Osita Nwanevu


Res Publica

The First Amendment Under Fire

Can the ideals of free speech and social justice be reconciled?

By Win McCormack

The New Republic

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