Good morning, Marketer, and it’s still all about customer-centricity.

As Kim Davis reports, Salesforce has introduced new support for customer retail experiences. These are the experiences that customers encounter when they’re shopping. And these experiences are even more relevant now with the emergence of retail media networks.

Think of it this way. Your customer isn’t just your customer 24/7. They shop around. By tapping into retail media networks, marketers can access a part of their customers’ digital journeys that they previously couldn’t.

So, improvements to retail experience are critical to the advance of retail media networks. They’re a benefit to retailers and advertisers who get a more holistic view of customers. But even more crucial, the experiences are better for customers..

Chris Wood,

Salesforce announces retail media network innovations

Salesforce for Retail and Commerce Cloud announce the twin aims of helping optimize the retail advertising business and improve the retail customer experience.

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North Star goals for category leaders: One-to-one, omnichannel personalization

While “one-to-one” and “omnichannel” are the goals, you can start incrementally and work your way toward them.

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How Booksy used DAM to organize their digital asset production

The appointment-making platform implemented Bynder’s digital asset management (DAM) system to root out inefficiencies.

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Why we care about retail media networks

One-quarter of retailers are generating more than $100 million in revenue from their media networks.

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6 strategies for using a DAM to manage modular content

Reusable blocks stored in a centralized DAM can scale and optimize your content creation.

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The ultimate guide to calculating marketing campaign ROI

Marketing attribution is key to determining how various channels, messages, and offers impact customers’ decisions.

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How bad data can spoil good personalization

Don't let bad data poison your email relationship with your clients. Learn how to avoid personalization failures in your email program.

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