Rethinking Data Strategies for Utility Companies; IBM's Krishnan on AI Governance; Embracing Next-Gen AI

InformationWeek Data Analytics
December 12, 2022
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Salesforce’s Benioff Talks Importance of Data Intelligence
Visit to New York City reveals why he is prioritizing bringing data lakes and data clouds to operate within the company’s CRM platform.

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Why Utility Companies Need to Rethink Their Data Strategies

Before they can power smart grids and smart cities, utilities will need to become smart enterprises. Here are three hurdles that they will have to overcome.
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IBM’s Krishnan Talks Finding the Right Balance for AI Governance

Developing governance of AI can help make it more palatable for regulators and the public as the technology becomes more omnipresent.
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5 Ways to Embrace Next-Generation AI

Artificial intelligence represents an exciting new frontier in technology. How do companies decide how to begin leveraging next-generation solutions that will result in tangible value?
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  • Evolving Security Strategy Without Slowing App Delivery

    Organizations are rapidly adopting cloud services and migrating workloads to cloud environments. The technology shift has forced changes in both development and release processes, as well as cloud security strategies. Register now to learn more!

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Is the Hassle of Sharing Data Worth the Value it Creates?
Data sharing is essential to generate enterprise and customer value, but it requires a focused approach and culture of responsible data and technology use. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Exploring End-to-End Encrypted Messaging and the Enterprise
End-to-end encrypted messaging options are widely available today. How do these solutions fit into corporate IT and security strategy? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Ukraine Cybersecurity Message at BlackBerry Security Summit
A surprise livestream from the besieged country, and other speakers, gave a look at ways cybersecurity can affect tangible issues in the physical world. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How Can Emerging Technology Actually Drive Value for Companies?
Every major business is looking for ways to become a market leader, and emerging tech can be leveraged as a tool to get there. But how can companies sift through the options and effectively use new technology to drive growth and innovation? Read More
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