TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 22, 2017

Samantha Bee Hilariously Debunks One of the Right's Dumbest Myths About the Left

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"The right is kind of short on bogeymen these days." READ MORE»

'Morning Joe' Panel Slams 'Dear Leader' Trump with Horrifying 2-Minute Mashup of His Iowa Lies

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Historian compares rally to those held in Nazi Germany or fascist Italy. READ MORE»

The True Face of Republican Evil Doesn't Belong to Donald Trump

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Mitch McConnell's gruesome health care scam exposes the anti-democratic character of the GOP. READ MORE»

Capitol Police Drag Disabled Health Care Protesters from Their Wheelchairs in Front of Mitch McConnell's Office

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The Trump administration has proposed a $600 billion cut to Medicaid. READ MORE»

Rachel Maddow Finds the Connection Between Russian Hacking and GOP Voter Data Downright 'Spooky'

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

New testimony from Homeland security officials reveals at least 21 states were targeted in the 2016 elections. READ MORE»

Congressional Black Caucus Refuses to Meet With Donald Trump

By Jamiles Lartey, The Guardian

Chair says the president’s policies will "devastate black communities." READ MORE»

Why Did Democrats Ossoff and Parnell Lose Their Congressional Races in Georgia and South Carolina?

By Peter Dreier, AlterNet

Low turnout among black voters likely sealed their fate. READ MORE»

Trump Comes Out and Says He Doesn't Want a 'Poor Person' Managing the Economy

By Graham Lanktree, Newsweek

The president offers a dumbfounding defense of all his Goldman Sachs hires. READ MORE»

Vermont House Republicans Kill Last-Chance Marijuana Legalization Bill

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

But the state could still become the first legalize pot legislatively. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Tom Tomorrow on Trump's Sycophantic Cabinet

By Tom Tomorrow, AlterNet

"You'll go down in history, Sir."  READ MORE»

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