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Samsung announces AI assistant for Galaxy S8 smartphone

Samsung will integrate virtual assistant Viv into its Galaxy S8 smartphone and appliances line in 2017. Here's how it could improve the company's reputation after the failure of the Galaxy Note7.

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Discover the Corning plant where Gorilla Glass was developed

5 plugins to help your WordPress site reach mobile nirvana

Android nears 88% global market share, but Apple still makes more money

Over one billion installs of apps using OAuth 2.0 can be remotely hijacked, say researchers

Video: The top 5 reasons you won't miss the headphone jack

Survey: Spending on enterprise mobile apps is up, will continue to increase for the next three years

Survey: Is your company moving the data center to the cloud?

Has your company made the switch to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), is considering it, or has no plans to adopt it? Take the survey, and get a free copy of the research report.

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