Hi John, Tech giant Samsung has been teasing about its upcoming Galaxy Note9 release, but accidentally gave more away on Friday when it temporarily released an introduction video online.
Managers at Google have been trying to shut down access to any material connected to a project to build a censored mobile app for China and this caused an uproar at the search giant, The Intercept reports, citing company insiders. South Korea intends to tax Amazon, Google, Apple and other multinational technology companies, as these enterprises earn billions of dollars within the country and pay no taxes under existing rules. Availability software specialist Veeam reports strong growth in Australia and around the world. The days of big data demand big storage. Seagate's IronWolf range delivers it in spades, along with enterprise-grade reliability, concurrency and longevity, according to enterprise reviewer David M Williams. And Willams says that if you want to build and maintain Google-scale websites, Google’s free e-book may be exactly what you’re looking for. And of course, there's plenty more so for all the news visit www.itwire.com. Have a great day! Stan Beer, Editor in Chief, iTWire ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER & iTWire.com Contact: andrew.matler@itwire.com 0412 390 000