Sarah R. Found Relief from GI Distress

My name is Sarah, and I wanted to share my story of overcoming chronic GI distress as a result of Dr. McDougall’s work and, of course, Mary’s recipes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I was 16 the first time I drove myself to the pediatrician because I hadn’t had a bowel movement in over two weeks. The man who stood in front of me began questioning me about my mental health status. “Have you had any recent trauma?”, “What’s going on in your life?”, “Have you been feeling down or stressed?”. He was desperately trying to convince me I was depressed and that the result was my constipation. I proceeded to explain to him that of course, I was moody, I was 16! But the main thing that was causing me to feel “down” was the fact that I couldn’t poop. He prescribed MiraLax and said it would be fine just to take the rest of my life. 

This cycle continued for the next 10 years. Doctors always assumed stress or depression and then proceeded to tell me to take MiraLAX or they would prescribe supposed “miracle drugs” that ran around $400-$500 a month. I even once had a nurse tell me to eat lemons. I could’ve fallen over in laughter at that moment. However, she was probably more correct than any of the doctors I’d seen so far. Overall, the shared idea among all of the physicians was this; I would be lucky if I could go every three days, and that was their goal for me. 

Read More of Sarah's Story
Join Dr. McDougall in a concise five-part lecture series where he unveils the success of a whole-food, low-fat, starch-based diet in curing common chronic diseases. Gain expert knowledge surpassing that of doctors, dietitians and nutritionists, enabling you to confidently discuss conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and what nutrients you truly need for good health. Put an end to the confusion surrounding the optimal diet and medical care for the majority of Westerners, backed by scientific references and supported by presentation slides. This is the ultimate medical advice you need to know.

Recordings of each session will be available after each event. Extra bonus items include, the “picture book” of the slides from each presentation, supported by the scientific references. This comprehensive resource ensures that you not only absorb valuable information but also have the means to revisit and reinforce your newfound knowledge again and again. Also provided with the course is an extensive database containing a collection of Dr. McDougall’s favorite articles organized by disease.

Join us for the next lecture on August 26, 2023 at 10 AM Pacific and watch Dr. McDougall's recorded lectures on Weight Loss, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Health and Cancer at your convenience.

Attendance is limited; allowing plenty of time to answer your questions after each session.

Session 1 - Weight Loss - Recorded Session Available

Session 2 - Diabetes -Recorded Session Available

Session 3 - Cardiovascular Health - Recorded Session Available

Session 4 - Cancer - Recorded Session Available

Session 5 - Essential Nutrients - August 26

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Hypertension: Drugs vs. Diet

For 35+ years, we've empowered people to lose weight, heal and thrive with a starch-based lifestyle.

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