Network Computing
March 25, 2021
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
SASE Should Make Life Easier for Employees and IT
As SASE solutions incorporate more user-centric intelligence, the enterprise IT stack will become more supportive of the real-world problems confronting businesses every day.

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Log Management’s Benefits for a Remote and Hybrid Workforce
IT departments can leverage centralized log management to maintain and secure hybrid workforces by addressing network performance while also gaining actionable insight into potential weaknesses.
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VPN's Days Are Numbered: Here Comes Zero-Trust Security
Despite providing generally fast and reliable remote security during the COVID-19 pandemic, VPN may soon be replaced by an even more resilient technology. Here's what you need to know about zero-trust security.
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Advances Speed Time to Massive IoT Asset Tracking and Monitoring
Enterprises to benefit from COVID-19 driven distribution advances, cost reduction efforts, and energy efficiency options.
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The Quest for the Holy Grail of Automation
Automation drives down costs, improves agility, and makes new business models practical, with a potential upside of a more than tenfold improvement in efficiency. Read More
5 Ways to Save Costs on Microsoft Azure
To ensure costs remain at the desired level, organizations need to manage resource consumption. Azure offers a wide range of tools to help. Read More
Creating Safe, Flexible Spaces for a Transformed Workforce
Modernizing the connectivity and communications infrastructure for the post-pandemic era will pay even greater dividends over the next decade. Read More
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