Get Content Slider (plus themes & upgrades) for $0...

When you buy the amazing Site Designer for just $169.

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Designers cannot get enough of the new Responsive Site Designer V2 and are going loco over the Components Library. With it, you can pick from our growing collection of ready-made video backgrounds, buttons, alerts, and more to enhance your site. You can even save and reuse your own handcrafted elements!

The library also includes entire customizable photo galleries. These are a great way to show your products, events, team and other highlights in a fun way. Yup, these galleries also work great on small devices — duh!

Gallery Component

Want ultimate gallery design freedom? 

Responsive Content Slider is the ticket! Using this app, you can control nitty-gritty style options as well cool individual slide (and element!) animations, player timing and more!

These two apps are a dynamic duo. Responsive Site Designer V2 makes epic websites while Content Slider makes stunning slide shows. So we have a treat for you: save $20 on RSD and with get a bonus copy of RCS (with themes) for free! Get alll this plus 1 year of free upgrades for only $169...

But this is a very limited time offer, so we suggest you jump on it now and don't miss out.

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Happy Site Designing!