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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Congratulate someone for an achievement that may go unnoticed

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

What Skills Will Help Me?

Yesterday I wrote a little about skills from the corporate side of your career. What is important, valuable, and helpful to your organization. Today, as we close down 2020, I want to look a little at the skills that will help your career, whether at this organization or another one.
When I speak with people about their career path, I often hear them speculating on which technologies will be hot, which ones will ensure a long and financially rewarding career. The answer isn't the same for everyone, and I'm not sure there is any technology that's can guarantee it will boost your career, but I do have a few thoughts.
First, you will want to evaluate yourself and understand your skills. How skilled are you at T-SQL or SSIS or security or anything else. Write down skills, evaluate yourself, and also evaluate if you like doing that work. I know when I've done this, I sometimes realize I'm doing things I don't enjoy far too often.
Next, get some goals. Ask friends about their workplaces, look at job postings, and network with others about the work they do. Be sure to check Glassdoor or other ratings services, as no one wants to go work for an employer everyone dislikes.
I know most people want specifics, so here are some. For development skills, go through the Advent of Code or Exercism and show that you can solve problems. Don't look at the answers, and don't look at anyone else's solution until you have one. Write down how and why you solved something, save it in Github, and blog about it. Whether you share this or not, it's good practice for you.
For development or admin skills, learn about DevOps, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Delivery. To do this, you'll need to learn some scripting and various other organizational skills. Tackle a sample project, and learn to implement it, ensuring you can deploy code to one other machine using these principles. This promotes lots of good, core software development skills that anyone wants. You can use the cloud or not, but many things are not that different in the cloud, conceptually. The syntax varies, but a lot of what you learn can be reused.
Lastly, work on your soft skills. I recommend blogging, but learn to make a presentation to a friend, at a user group, or even to your dog. Record yourself if you do the latter, and ensure you can concisely and clearly explain concepts. Learn to respect others, listen more than you speak, and critically evaluate ideas, code, and thoughts, without attacking or complaining to others.
Ask lots of questions of others, in forums or live. Learn to learn, learn to share, and learn to improve your code or admin practices. Refactor things periodically and improve them. These are the ways in which you can grow your talents. You can do this at work, or at home. And if someone doesn't want to use your refactored code at work, that's fine. You know when you've written something better. It isn't time wasted, as learning to do something better is always good for your growth.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

  Featured Contents

Save costs with Azure Data Factory

tdppnr from SQLServerCentral

A typical project following any industry standard process for building Azure Data Factory (ADF) pipelines will have different environments as part of development lifecycle. They might be named Development, Staging, Production, and so on. This article describes an approach to save costs from running ADF pipelines using Triggers. Typical ADF environments will have pipelines ingesting, […]

SQL Server MSDB Database Tutorial

Additional Articles from

In this tutorial we will cover common questions related to the SQL Server msdb database. This is one of the standard system databases that are part of every SQL Server installation. This tutorial will give you a better idea of what the msdb database...

Azure Synapse Analytics Data Integration and Orchestration

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from SQLServerCentral

In this tip we are going to build a sample data pipeline and explore Azure Synapse Analytics data integration and orchestration features.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Some Post-PASS Thoughts on Local User Groups

Andy Warren from SQLAndy

For all the groups the most immediate need is to rescue what they can of the mailing list stored at and to have a new landing page and/or...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Speaker Guidance: Save Your Data

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from The Voice of the DBA

The PASS organization (and likely SQL Saturday) are shutting down their sites on 15 Jan,  2021. This means that potentially lots of links and data will disappear. There are...


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Can I create this view?

Is this view definition valid, why or why not?
CREATE VIEW MyView AS WITH cteData (lowerbound, upperbound, letter, pwd) AS ( SELECT SUBSTRING(datavalue, 1, CHARINDEX('-', datavalue) - 1) AS lowerbound , SUBSTRING(datavalue, CHARINDEX('-', datavalue) + 1, CHARINDEX(' ', datavalue) - CHARINDEX('-', datavalue) - 1) AS upperbound , SUBSTRING(datavalue, CHARINDEX(' ', datavalue) + 1, 1) , SUBSTRING(datavalue, CHARINDEX(':', datavalue) + 2, 50) FROM dbo.Day2 AS d ) , cteSolution (occ, valid) AS ( SELECT LEN(d.pwd) - LEN(REPLACE(pwd, d.letter, '')) AS occ , CASE WHEN LEN(d.pwd) - LEN(REPLACE(pwd, d.letter, '')) >= d.lowerbound AND LEN(d.pwd) - LEN(REPLACE(pwd, d.letter, '')) <= d.upperbound THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS valid FROM cteData AS d) SELECT COUNT(*) totalcount FROM cteSolution WHERE valid = 1; GO

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Reset Query Plan Stats

If I want to only reset the query plan stats for a specific plan, which stored procedure would I use?

Answer: sp_query_store_reset_exec_stats

Explanation: To reset query stats, sp_query_store_reset_exec_stats is used. Flushing the db and removing the plan do more than just reset stats. Ref: sp_query_store_reset_exec_stats -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Updating SQL Server 2016 - We are currently running SQL Server version: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (SP2-CU12) (KB4536648) - 13.0.5698.0 (X64) Feb 15 2020 01:47:30 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.0 (Build 14393: ) (Hypervisor) Can we upgrade straight to CU15 for CU12? Or do we have to do each version in between? […]
Change name of a particular step in an existing SQL Agent Job - What is the easiest way to change name of a particular step in an Agent Job? SSMS does not seem to allow to do that.  
Could not find a login matching... when access granted via AD group - Hello experts, A client just reported the following puzzling error. There is a user ABC\user1 that was added to the AD group ABC\foo_db_readers. The group ABC\foo_db_readers was added to the user-defined database role db_foo_datareader, which has read access to foo_db. The client's goal with this setup is to avoid having to create the login ABC\user1 […]
always on sql server - Hi Guys, I have a question to configure always on sql server same subnet vs multi subnet. It is three node cluster, two in same DC  HA (node 1, node 2) and other in DR (Node 3). It needs a multi subnet, I am thinking to configure node1 & 2 as well into different subnet, […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Converting MONEY - Hi, running this declare @code VARCHAR( 50 ) = '748.019876'; select [code1] = @code, [code2] = CONVERT( MONEY, @code ), [code3] = CONVERT( VARCHAR( 10 ), CONVERT( MONEY, @code ) ) returns --code1                   code2              code3 --748.019876        748.0199    […]
Extracting SELECT statement from queries. - Hi All, I have a need to replace, in various views, the SELECT statement that produces the results (SELECT --> SELECT TOP 10). These queries could be in any of the following formats: --1) single select SELECT * FROM test --2) CTE with single select WITH test AS (SELECT 1 a), test2 AS (SELECT 2 […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
Full Text Search and Enablement at DB Level - Day One. - I have 2 DBs - they are 'vendor' DBs - part of an application. They both originated from a single source DB - so were identical to start with. One DB has been upgraded and has new functionality from the vendor that utilises full text search - the other hasn't. The SQL instance has Full […]
Development - SQL Server 2014
While loop - CREATE Table TABLEA(N varchar(50),Q int,R int,Dt1 datetime,Dt2 datetime) DECLARE @I int = 1 DECLARE @R int = 2 DECLARE @Q int = 3 DECLARE @Q1 int SET @Q1 =@Q DECLARE @N varchar(100) SET @N = 'NameA' WHILE (@I <= @R+1) BEGIN WHILE (@I <= @Q) BEGIN SELECT @N as Name,@I,@R,@Q SET @Q = @Q - […]
SQL 2012 - General
How to get parts that not have same features count on table settings by code typ - How to get parts that not have same features count on table settings by codetypeid and PLID ? I work on sql server 2012 . if face issue I can't get parts that not have all features on table settings so I will count distinct features from table settings and compare it with count features […]
How to copy Excel file from Office 365 online to local drive in SSIS? - Can anybody help me with problem how to copy Excel file from Office 365 SharePoint online to local drive in SSIS? I never worked with SharePoint before, what is the best practices? Thanks, Aleks
Using cast inside sum or outside ? - I work on sql server 2012 I face issue using cast first or sum ? cast (sum(a) as decimal(18,2) or sum(cast (a as decimal(18,2))) which is correct and more speed a is integer need to convert to decimal so using cast inside sum or outside
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Error: Msg 105070, The ODBC data source name was no specified or the driver is m - Hello everybody, I am trying to use external table with PolyBase for import data from Oracle to Sql Server 2019. I have an issue about creating an external table. I created external data source OracleExternalData. CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE OracleExternalData WITH ( LOCATION = 'oracle://', CONNECTION_OPTION = 'DSN=CData Oracle Sys' CREDENTIAL = OracleProxyAccount ) ; […]
Azure Data Factory
How to export from sql server table to multiple csv files in Azure Data Factory - I have a clients table in sql server that containes client name and city . In Azure Data Factory , how can I export this table to multiple csv files that each file will contain only a list of clients from the same city , which will be the name of the file
Strategies and Ideas
Filtering Customer Specific Data - Hi all! Your help would be appreciated. We have a data warehouse that is a single tenant design with multiple reports and widgets that query the data The underlying structure of the DW is modelling invoice data - so essentially header records and line items The widgets and reports show pretty much what you would […]
Article Discussions by Author
Download SQL Patch Info - Comments posted to this topic are about the item Download SQL Patch Info


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