Plus: Mood boosts, hard truths, dog nipples, Grimes and the worst candles yet
Saved For Later | The Guardian
Saved For Later
Vomit forever
Yikes, what a week. Let's hold each other.

If you're looking for this week's weirdest story (and we've got analytics so we know you are), you'll find it in its new home at the bottom of the email. Get scrolling! 

- Alyx Gorman & Steph Harmon
We can't stop talking about ...
Let's start with First Dog's handy guide
Cheering ourselves up / Let's start with First Dog's handy guide
First step: think about the quolls in his backyard. Sure, they ate some bandicoots – but awww, quolls.
Positive pills / Paracetamol might help ease heartache. It's also terrible for your liver! V different from other emotional pain meds like vodka.
Positive pals / How 20 new friends on a groupchat helped one nice lady with her cancer, parenting and work commitments.
Positive ponies / The notoriously stressed-out fashion set are turning to equine therapy. Why? "Horses are not goal orientated."
Positive pain / Think you're a crier? You've got nothing on Heather Christle, who literally wrote the book on it. It's called The Crying Book. Wah! Here's what she learned.
The week in media ethics
The week in media ethics
The tragic death of Caroline Flack brought some hard truths into focus – but are we going to learn from them? It sure doesn’t look like it. As UK politicians condemn press intrusion and call for more regulation, the Australian Press Council has given gossip mags the go-ahead to simply make things up. The logic – and you'll need to sit down for this one – is that readers expect it.

Now more than ever, the media needs to protect the people at risk they profit from (and it certainly shouldn’t be firing them). In Australia, it’s not just about the tabloids. After ex-Triple J host Genevieve Fricker spoke out about feeling abandoned by the ABC in the wake of an alleged on-air assault (the ABC say they responded “promptly and comprehensively”), Rosie Waterland tweeted allegations that the same broadcaster traumatised her by asking her to re-enact the night of her suicide attempt. "They have tried to explain us away,” Waterland says. “But they should listen to us."
Cook this
Ready in 15 minutes
A perfect kung pao chicken / Ready in 15 minutes
It's tender, sweet and sour, with just a little heat.
Or just go eat at a Chinese restaurant / There's a 0% chance you'll catch Covid-19
Fear, misinformation and travel bans have pushed many restaurants to the brink – but the solution is 100% delicious.
What people you read are reading
'Homeland: the show that became a work of genius – after you stopped watching', by James Donaghy / "No series has captured the breathless modern political catastrophe quite as well. This is a remarkable look at how the show has uncannily reflected real events in the age of Trump, electronic warfare and deep state conspiracies."
'The toxic air we breathe: the health crisis from Australia's bushfires', part three of the Frontline / "It's really hard picking just one part of this beautiful multimedia series about the climate emergency, but Lisa Cox's story on the unknown long-term health consequences of a summer filled with bushfire smoke is a must-read."
'What four years at sea taught me about our relationship to the ocean', by Elle Hunt / "I go to the ocean a lot, but it is to dunk my head under the waves, walk along a shore or lie by an ocean bath. It is not to spend months surrounded by nothing but water. This piece explores why we feel so connected to it, but also what happens when you spend four years (too long!!!!!) at sea."
Extremely online
Extremely online
First thing’s first: those are definitely his nipples. In other news from this week of bad ideas: this push, this ad, this runway mess, this wedding dress. Put your face on your facemask so you can still be surveilled as it all burns down. Put your nose on these candles so you can vomit forever. Put a brand on a brand so you can ... spend a truly absurd amount of money on an average snack? There may be a new Fyre festival, and there’s certainly a new Insta-scammer.

But look on the brighter side: we have 80 years of cookies, 25 seconds of pencil costume drama and the internet’s one good place.
Top of the list
A podcast – Catch and Kill / We expected a rehash of Ronan Farrow's book. We couldn't have been more wrong. There is so much more here about his investigations into the tactics Weinstein and others use to silence journalists and victims. If the book was about the sausage being made, the podcast's about the pig.
We expected a rehash of Ronan Farrow's book. We couldn't have been more wrong. There is so much more here about his investigations into the tactics Weinstein and others use to silence journalists and victims. If the book was about the sausage being made, the podcast's about the pig.
An album – Miss Anthropocene by Grimes / Grimes calls it a concept album about the goddess of the climate crisis ("she's made out of ivory and oil"), but according to Alexis Petridis, "if it’s a concept album at all, it’s about the toxicity of modern celebrity" – and a "powerful and compelling" one at that.
Grimes calls it a concept album about the goddess of the climate crisis (
A movie – In My Blood It Runs / Arrernte boy Dujuan Hoosan speaks three languages, addressed the UN last year, and yet is “failing” school. Gayby Baby director Maya Newell's latest doco – out now – is an arresting indictment of Indigenous inequality, and an open-hearted portrait of a child. Also: her best work yet.
Arrernte boy Dujuan Hoosan speaks three languages, addressed the UN last year, and yet is “failing” school. Gayby Baby director Maya Newell's latest doco – out now – is an arresting indictment of Indigenous inequality, and an open-hearted portrait of a child. Also: her best work yet.
A book – Weather by Jenny Offill / Told through vignettes, Weather is being called "the perfect worry novel" (Vulture) and "the climate change novel you've been waiting for" (Vox). It's a buzzbook you can finish in an afternoon, and reads like a string of tweets (in a good way). Just don't expect to feel nice after.
Told through vignettes, Weather is being called
This week's weirdest story
A ghost ship has washed up on the shores of Ireland
A ghost ship has washed up on the shores of Ireland
After a year of floating empty in the Atlantic, the MV Alta has washed ashore – in a one-in-a-million chance. DW, no-one died.
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