Plus, if the GOP rot in Wisconsin is America's future, and more...

August 17, 2021
Biden Has Two Weeks to Save As Many Afghans As He Can
It normally takes more than two years to get a refugee out of the country. The president doesn’t have that kind of time.
by Matt Ford
His time working for Monsanto and other polluting industries helped make him the fierce conservative he is today.
by Scott W. Stern
A highly contagious variant, quarantines, closures, and fast-changing rules: It was supposed to be a calm fall, but we’re looking at a new year that could look a lot like the last.
by Rachel M. Cohen
The GOP-driven dysfunction of the Badger State is a window into the party’s illiberal plans for the country.
by Emma Roller


A new book traces the language of brainwashing to a series of Cold War–era scares.
by Jo Livingstone
The president gave a mostly honest accounting of the Afghanistan disaster, but he really skipped over the epic intel failure.
by Walter Shapiro
As the Taliban takes over the country, hawkish pundits and ex-officials in America are still clinging to the long-broken dream of nation-building.
by Daniel Bessner and Derek Davison
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