TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 5, 2017

10 Key Ways the GOP in Congress Is Still Split on Taxes—and How We Can Push Back

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Voters can raise their voices in defense of health care, higher education, alternative energy, and tax fairness. READ MORE»

Trump's White House Is Rattled Badly and in the Dark About What Their Future Holds

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Trump seemingly admits to obstruction in the wake of Flynn’s plea, then seizes on an FBI conspiracy theory. READ MORE»

Before Our Very Eyes, Trump Is Undoing the Work of Our Country's Founders

By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch

Painful as it is, we can only fight him if we pay attention. READ MORE»

How to Save Lives in the 'Overdose Capital of America'

By Titi Yu,

A new documentary streaming on Netflix is a window into what it’s like to be on the front lines of the opioid crisis. READ MORE»

A Progressive 'Redneck Revolt' Says Tackle Racism First

By Zenobia Jeffries, Yes! Magazine

Addressing our systems of white supremacy cannot be dismissed as “identity politics.” READ MORE»

Lawmakers Are Scrambling to Prevent Trump from Launching a Nuclear War

By Lisa Fuller, Foreign Policy in Focus

The risk of nuclear war is at an all-time high. READ MORE»

Mike Pence's Wife Finds Trump 'Reprehensible' and 'Totally Vile': Former Campaign Aide

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Karen Pence wanted him off the ticket after the release of the "Access Hollywood" tape. READ MORE»

The RNC Is Financing Roy Moore's Campaign Again at Trump's Request

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The entire GOP is morally bankrupt. READ MORE»

Bill O'Reilly Sex Harassment Scandal Comes Back With a Vengeance as Victim Sues Fox News for Defamation

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Fox and O’Reilly have paid out tens of millions of dollars to settle harassment claims. READ MORE»

Carl Bernstein: Trump's Behavior Is More 'Egregious' Than Nixon's

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The president isn't even trying to mask his authoritarian impulses. READ MORE»

Scholar Henry Giroux: Trump's Attack on Democracy Will Fail

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Trump hopes to “dismantle all aspects of American democracy,” says radical thinker. But resistance can defeat him. READ MORE»

Where Did We Get the Idea That Human Beings Are Superior to All Other Creatures?

By Laura Schenone, W. W. Norton & Company

The ancient Greeks get a great deal of credit. READ MORE»

U.S. Military Agency Invests $100m in 'Genetic Extinction' Technologies

By Arthur Neslen, The Guardian

Technology could be used to wipe out malaria-carrying mosquitos or other pests but UN experts say fears over possible military uses and unintended consequences strengthen the case for a ban. READ MORE»

Trump's USDA Just Made School Meals Less Healthy

By Marion Nestle, EcoWatch

Yet another ill-advised rollback of Obama-era regulations—and this time, it's children who will pay a terrible price. READ MORE»

Is a Controversial Nuclear Plant to Blame for Soaring Thyroid Cancer Rates in New York?

By Joseph Mangano, AlterNet

Exposure to radioactivity is the only known cause of thyroid cancer. READ MORE»

12 Reasons Bicycling Will Continue to Soar in Popularity

By Jay Walljasper, AlterNet

The future of mobility is bigger than cars. READ MORE»

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