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MERCURY RETROGRADE IS OVER! Let Keen help you get back to normal.
Get a FREE 3-minute Astrology reading,
Hey Friend,
You made it! Mercury Retrograde ends today. Time to sweep away the chaos and uncertainty and embrace the planet’s return to a normal pace.

Since Virgo is ruled by Mercury, it can create order — a welcome change from what happens during Mercury retrograde. Here’s what to expect with Mercury Direct in Virgo:
  • Organization matters - You’ll want to be practical and focused on getting things done.
  • Solutions come easier - Little things that were causing stress won’t have the same impact. So you can use that energy to replace worry with solutions. 
  • Take care of yourself - If you’ve felt a little off or lethargic during Mercury Retrograde, focus on self care to help restore your energy.
  • Special offer from Keen — get a FREE 3-minute reading. To celebrate the end of Mercury Retrograde, we’re offering you a FREE, 3-minute reading with a Keen Advisor. Get back to normal with guidance from our expert Advisors. 

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