John, only 9 days to go!

My Infinite Possibilities Certification Conference starts next week, and we have people attending virtually from all over the world: Australia, India, Norway, Denmark, New Zealand, the UK, Canada, the US, and beyond... 

If you’ve ever dreamed of empowering others by TEACHING the truth about life’s magic and our power, then this is your opportunity! 

I’ll be training you directly for 4 days and certifying you to teach all that I teach about life, dreams, and happiness – license & royalty free – so that you can join our AMAZING team of 3,000 trainers who are improving life on earth. 

I don't want you to miss this opportunity, John, so for the first time ever I'm offering a flexible (choose your own pricing) model with payment plans available, plus scholarships for those in need of financial assistance. 

If becoming a teacher of life’s magic resonates with you, but you don’t have the financial means to do so, this is a wonderful opportunity! 

Scholarship applications are due Thursday, August 31 at midnight. 

Click here to apply for a scholarship. 

Click here to learn more about the conference.

John, this will be life-changing, for you and those you will teach! 💗

P.S. Have questions about becoming certified, John? Check out these frequently asked questions below and watch this video to hear answers to the most popular questions!👇🏽

What can I do as an Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainer?

Your options are truly infinite. You can begin teaching the Infinite Possibilities material for a profit or for free. We have trainers who are leading inspirational workshops and retreats, coaching individual clients one-on-one or in group settings, speaking to audiences around the world, volunteering in jails, women's shelters, and with the homeless, writing and publishing empowering books, sharing the material with friends and family, and more. Click here to see the inspiring work our 3,000 trainers are doing...

What if teaching is new to me?

It was new to me 20 years ago too, and the idea terrified me! I even joined Toastmasters to deal with my fear of public speaking. However, I believe we teach best what we most need to learn... and that’s why teaching (even in the presence of fear and self-doubt) is a beautiful opportunity for growth. Besides, our vulnerability & willingness to follow our dreams is an inspiration to others!

Who can I teach once I become certified?

Anyone. You can work with any age, gender, religion, individual, group, or organization. This is the idea behind the Infinite Possibilities Certification Program: to empower anyone wanting to teach others about life's magic and our power to share it wherever and with whomever they choose.

Can I use what I learn in my private coaching practice or business?

Absolutely. You may also include your training and certification in your credentials on a resume, bio, website or business cards. 

What if I don’t feel ready to teach, can I attend anyway?

Yes! We have lots of trainers who simply want to learn this material for themselves and apply it to their own lives first (before thinking about teaching). Come for the networking, inspiration, and fun. Most attendees are not (yet) professional facilitators. In addition to our trainings, there will also be workshops and discussions about life's magic and our power, social mixers and hang-outs to meet like-minded people, stand-up comedy, and more.

Click here to learn more:Certification Conference - Sept. 7-10.

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