EQ8 online classes are in session all year 'round

John, master your EQ8!

The Only EQ8 Classes You'll Ever Need!

Just because the kiddos are out of school doesn't mean classes stop at EQ.
Our EQ At Home online classes are always available. Play, pause, and rewind as needed! From the basics to advanced techniques, these three classes cover everything you need to know! Scroll down to see what each class covers.

Real quilt designs from students in the Beginner class

The Beginner Class
  • Learn the basics of navigating the three worktables in EQ8, as well as using the Block and Fabric Libraries.

  • Add your designs to the Sketchbook and save project files with confidence.

  • Create quilts and blocks from scratch, while learning the skills you need to design your own beautiful quilts.

Real quilt designs from students in the Next Steps class

The Next Steps Class
  • Go beyond the basic horizontal and on-point layouts and explore the other quilt styles available on the Quilt Worktable.

  • Draw blocks from scratch on the Block Worktable, and edit blocks from the library to customize the designs.

  • Explore the editing options on the Image Worktable.

  • Save items to the Favorites section of the libraries.

Real quilt designs from students in the Master Skills class

The Master Skills Class
  • Explore more advanced quilt layouts and utilize the Layout Library.

  • Draw blocks using the special grids available in PolyDraw.

  • Create unique blocks (without drawing!) using the Serendipity features.

  • Work with photos and other images on the Image Worktable.

  • Customize your EQ8 settings to make the most of your design time.

Each Class Includes:

  • About 3 hours of on-demand video content that is broken up into easy-to-watch segments, so you can take breaks and come back to the class whenever you'd like.

  • Direct help from EQ staff using the Ask the Teacher form.

  • Gallery where you can share your quilts from class and see other students’ designs.

  • Closed Captioning.

Start with one class or buy all three and save! You can start, stop, and retake the classes whenever you like. Buy now, learn later!

Learn EQ8 your way!

Choose a learning style that works best for you. We offer endless free resources as well as books, online classes, in-person classes, and so much more!

Online and in-person classes are excluded from all sales and promotions.


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