ScienceDaily: Computers & Math News

Sustainable chemistry at the quantum level

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:40 AM PDT

Scientists are now using new quantum chemistry computing procedures to categorize hypothetical electrocatalysts that are 'too slow' or 'too expensive', far more thoroughly and quickly than was considered possible a few years ago.

Break it down: A new way to address common computing problem

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:18 AM PDT

A new algorithm provides a framework for solving complex linear inverse problems that doesn't require a supercomputer and also enhances security and privacy.

How thoughts could one day control electronic prostheses, wirelessly

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:18 AM PDT

The current generation of neural implants record enormous amounts of neural activity, then transmit these brain signals through wires to a computer. But, so far, when researchers have tried to create wireless brain-computer interfaces to do this, it took so much power to transmit the data that the implants generated too much heat to be safe for the patient. A new study suggests how to solve his problem -- and thus cut the wires.

Understanding why some children enjoy TV more than others

Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:18 AM PDT

New research shows that children's own temperament could be driving the amount of TV they watch. The research shows how the brain responses of 10-month-old babies watching a clip from Disney's Fantasia on repeat could predict whether they would enjoy watching fast-paced TV shows six months later. The findings are important for the ongoing debate around early TV exposure.

'Deepfakes' ranked as most serious AI crime threat

Posted: 04 Aug 2020 05:59 AM PDT

Fake audio or video content has been ranked by experts as the most worrying use of artificial intelligence in terms of its potential applications for crime or terrorism, according to a new report.