ScienceDaily: Computers & Math News

Screening for skin disease on your laptop

Posted: 06 Apr 2021 10:20 AM PDT

A biomedical engineer is reporting a new deep neural network architecture - to be used on a standard laptop - that provides early diagnosis of systemic sclerosis (SSc), a rare autoimmune disease marked by hardened or fibrous skin and internal organs.

Deep learning networks prefer the human voice -- just like us

Posted: 06 Apr 2021 10:19 AM PDT

A study proves that AI systems might reach higher levels of performance if they are programmed with sound files of human language rather than with numerical data labels. The researchers discovered that in a side-by-side comparison, a neural network whose 'training labels' consisted of sound files reached higher levels of performance in identifying objects in images, compared to another network that had been programmed in a more traditional manner, using simple binary inputs.

Understanding fruit fly behavior may be next step toward autonomous vehicles

Posted: 06 Apr 2021 10:19 AM PDT

With over 70% of respondents to a AAA annual survey on autonomous driving reporting they would fear being in a fully self-driving car, makers like Tesla may be back to the drawing board before rolling out fully autonomous self-driving systems. But new research shows us we may be better off putting fruit flies behind the wheel instead of robots.

A new, positive approach could be the key to next-generation, transparent electronics

Posted: 05 Apr 2021 08:36 AM PDT

A new study could pave the way to revolutionary, transparent electronics for potential integration in glass, flexible displays and smart contact lenses -- bringing to life futuristic 'scifi-like' devices. A decades-long search for electronics based on semiconducting oxides could also find use in power electronics and communications, reducing the carbon footprint of our utility networks. The introduction of a new 2D semiconductor fills a crucial gap in the materials spectrum to enable fast, transparent circuits.

Study shows promise of quantum computing using factory-made silicon chips

Posted: 31 Mar 2021 10:09 AM PDT

For the study, researchers were able to isolate and measure the quantum state of a single electron (the qubit) in a silicon transistor manufactured using a 'CMOS' technology similar to that used to make chips in computer processors.

Big data tells story of diversity, migration of math's elite

Posted: 30 Mar 2021 09:13 AM PDT

Research uses artificial intelligence to map connections between the world's top mathematicians.