ScienceDaily: Computers & Math News

AI helps design the perfect chickpea

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 12:43 PM PST

A massive international research effort has led to development of a genetic model for the 'ultimate' chickpea, with the potential to lift crop yields by up to 12 per cent.

Machine learning refines earthquake detection capabilities

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 10:04 AM PST

Researchers are applying machine learning algorithms to help interpret massive amounts of ground deformation data collected with Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) satellites; the new algorithms will improve earthquake detection.

First quantum simulation of baryons

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 10:03 AM PST

Researchers performed the first-ever simulation of baryons -- fundamental quantum particles -- on a quantum computer.

A personalized exosuit for real-world walking

Posted: 10 Nov 2021 11:53 AM PST

Researchers have developed a new approach in which robotic exosuit assistance can be calibrated to an individual and adapt to a variety of real-world walking tasks in a matter of seconds. The bioinspired system uses ultrasound measurements of muscle dynamics to develop a personalized and activity-specific assistance profile for users of the exosuit.

When algorithms get creative

Posted: 10 Nov 2021 10:16 AM PST

Uncovering the mechanisms of learning via synaptic plasticity is a critical step towards understanding how our brains function and building truly intelligent, adaptive machines. Researchers propose a new approach in which algorithms mimic biological evolution and learn efficiently through creative evolution.