ScienceDaily: Fossils & Ruins News

Changes in Earth's orbit enabled the emergence of complex life

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:24 AM PDT

'Snowball Earth' is the most extreme climate event in Earth's history, when it was completely engulfed in ice. The theory of its existence has faced two challenges - how life survived and variations in rock formations from the time implying changes to the climate cycle. New study shows that changes to Earth's orbit caused the ice sheets to advance and retreat, providing ice-free 'oases' for animal life and explaining variations in rock formations.

Canine feces reveal more about 17th century working sled dogs

Posted: 06 Jul 2021 04:16 PM PDT

Proteins from frozen canine faeces have been successfully extracted for the first time to reveal more about the diets of Arctic sled dogs.

The evolution of vinegar flies is based on the variation of male sex pheromones

Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:31 AM PDT

By analyzing the genomes of 99 species of vinegar flies and evaluating their chemical odor profiles and sexual behaviors, researchers show that sex pheromones and the corresponding olfactory channels in the insect brain evolve rapidly and independently. The new study is a valuable basis for understanding how pheromone production, their perception and processing in the brain, and ultimately the resulting behavior drive the evolution of new species.