ScienceDaily: Latest Science News

Simulations provide clue to missing planets mystery

Posted: 12 Nov 2021 07:05 AM PST

New supercomputer simulations show that after creating a ring, a planet can move away and leave the ring behind. Not only does this bolster the planet theory for ring formation, the simulations show that a migrating planet can produce a variety of patterns matching those actually observed in disks.

Singing, being male, and being an adult tend to produce more respiratory aerosols, study finds

Posted: 11 Nov 2021 02:11 PM PST

A new study measured respiratory particles produced from people singing or playing instruments. Is singing worse than talking when it comes to how many particles are being emitted? Yes, according to the study. And the louder one talks or sings, the worse the emissions. A person's age and whether they are male or female also affects their respiratory emissions, with males and adults emitting more airborne particles, on average, than females and minors.