ScienceDaily: Living Well News

Why uncertainty makes us change our behavior -- even when we shouldn't

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:36 PM PDT

'Panic buying' might be a normal human response to uncertainty after all, new research suggests.

Older adults are happier when space matches personality

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:34 AM PDT

A study has found photos of a person's living space can accurately point at personality traits and the mood of the people who live there, especially as a person gets older. Applying the findings could help lead to happier lives, including for older adults with frailty or cognitive impairment that has led them to be transferred from their homes to long-term care facilities.

Environmental impact of bottled water up to 3,500 times higher than tap water

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:21 AM PDT

What is the best option for individual water consumption if we take into account both health and environmental impacts? The answer to that question, according to a new study is that, at least in the city of Barcelona, tap water is the option that offers more overall benefits.

Remember more by taking breaks

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:20 AM PDT

We remember things longer if we take breaks during learning, referred to as the spacing effect. Scientists gained deeper insight into the neuronal basis for this phenomenon in mice. With longer intervals between learning repetitions, mice reuse more of the same neurons as before -- instead of activating different ones. Possibly, this allows the neuronal connections to strengthen with each learning event, such that knowledge is stored for a longer time.

We are more forgiving when people close to us misbehave

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:52 AM PDT

When people behave badly or unethically, their loved ones may judge them less harshly than they would judge a stranger who committed the same transgressions, but that leniency may come at the cost of the judger's own sense of self-worth, according to new research.