ScienceDaily: Living Well News

Hit the sleep ‘sweet spot’ to keep brain sharp

Posted: 20 Oct 2021 10:59 AM PDT

Older adults who sleep short or long experienced greater cognitive decline than those who sleep a moderate amount, even when the effects of early Alzheimer's disease were taken into account, according to a new study.

Lightweight electric wristband heaters for constant, portable warmth

Posted: 20 Oct 2021 10:59 AM PDT

As the fall chill settles in across the U.S., people are getting out their cozy sweaters and electric blankets, or stocking up on handheld heat packets for extra warmth. But sweaters and blankets are bulky, and heat packs only work for a little while. Now, researchers demonstrate a conductive, durable yarn for lightweight wearable heaters that are re-usable and provide constant, portable warmth.

In your face: Children’s expressions tell the story of poor sleep

Posted: 19 Oct 2021 07:32 PM PDT

When children are overtired, their facial expressions can forecast social problems years later, according to a new report published by a psychologist.

Brain activation in sleeping toddlers shows memory for words

Posted: 19 Oct 2021 07:32 PM PDT

Very young children learn words at a tremendous rate. Now researchers have seen how specific brain regions activate as two-year-olds remember newly learned words -- while the children were sleeping.