ScienceDaily: Most Popular News

Nitrogen fixation in ambient conditions

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 04:19 PM PST

Scientists have developed a uranium-based complex that allows nitrogen fixation reactions to take place in ambient conditions. The work lays the foundation to develop new processes for synthesizing nitrogen products like cyanamide.

Planetary boundaries for antibiotic and pesticide resistance identified

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 04:19 PM PST

Researchers have now published the first estimates of antibiotic and pesticide 'planetary boundaries.' The researchers suggest that if resistance to antibiotics and pesticides goes beyond these boundaries, societies risk large-scale health and agricultural crises. The results indicate one group of bacteria has passed a boundary.

Study opens route to ultra-low-power microchips

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 04:18 PM PST

Researchers have developed a new way of controlling magnetism in materials, which could lead to new low-power technologies for memory, computing, and sensing devices.

Insufficient sleep in children is associated with poor diet, obesity and more screen time

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 04:18 PM PST

A new study conducted among more than 177,000 students suggests that insufficient sleep duration is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle profile among children and adolescents.

Alpine ice shows three-fold increase in atmospheric iodine

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 04:18 PM PST

Analysis of iodine trapped in Alpine ice has shown that levels of atmospheric iodine have tripled over the past century, which partially offsets human-driven increases in the air pollutant, ozone.

Small molecules: From beaker to solved 3D structure in minutes

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 04:18 PM PST

A new method for learning the structures of small molecules, such as hormones, is 'like science fiction.'

New framework pushes the limits of high-performance computing

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 04:17 PM PST

Researchers found a way to give high-performance computing data systems the flexibility to thrive with a first-of-its-kind framework called BespoKV, perhaps helping to one day achieve the HPC goal of performing at the exascale, or a billion billion calculations per second.

Escape responses of coral reef fish obey simple behavioral rules

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 04:17 PM PST

The escape response to evade perceived threats is a fundamental behavior seen throughout the animal kingdom, and laboratory studies have identified specialized neural circuits that control this behavior. To understand how these neural circuits operate in complex natural settings, researchers recorded and analyzed escape responses in wild coral reef fish. Their results show how a sequence of well-defined decision rules generates evasion behavior in a wide range of coral reef fish species.

Primates of the Caribbean: Ancient DNA reveals history of mystery monkey

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 04:16 PM PST

Analysis of ancient DNA of a mysterious extinct monkey named Xenothrix -- which displays bizarre body characteristics very different to any living monkey -- has revealed that it was in fact most closely related to South America's titi monkeys (Callicebinae). Having made their way overwater to Jamaica, probably on floating vegetation, their bones reveal they subsequently underwent remarkable evolutionary change.

Streamside forests store tons of carbon

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:36 AM PST

Researchers have compiled carbon storage data from 117 publications, reports, and other data sets on streamside forests around the world. Researchers found that the average amount of carbon stored in mature streamside forest rivals the highest estimates for any other forest type around the world, such as tropical or boreal forests.

How pneumococci challenge our immune system

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:16 AM PST

Pneumococci are the most common cause of respiratory tract infections, such as otitis and sinusitis, as well as of severe infections like pneumonia and meningitis. A new study shows how the bacteria can inhibit immune cell reaction and survive inside cells to give rise to pneumonia.

Half moons and pinch points: Same physics, different energy

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:16 AM PST

For the first time, physicists present a unified theory explaining two characteristic features of frustrated magnets and why they're often seen together.

Pulling the genome apart: Chromosome segregation during mitosis explained

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:16 AM PST

Researchers shed light on the protein complexes and processes that enable microtubules to bind to the centromeres of chromosomes and redistribute them to the daughter cells during mitosis. Via experiments including partial protein deletion, chimeric protein production, and measurement of microtubule pulling force, the team showed that interaction of the Ndc80 complex with the CENP-T pathway of kinetochores, not the CENP-C one, is essential for successful cell division.

Dynamic audiovisuals increase spectator attention, but inhibits conscious processing

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:16 AM PST

According to a new study, scene changes diminish a spectator's blink rate, producing an increase in attention. The results of the study demonstrate that a dynamic and chaotic audiovisual editing causes more activity in the visual processing areas, while continuous and orderly editing produces more cognitive processing activity.

Ultra-thin transparent silver films for solar cells

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:16 AM PST

A new fabrication process for transparent ultra-thin silver films has been developed. The material may help build highly efficient solar cells and light-emitting diodes. However, traditional chemical methods have not been able to produce ultra-thin and pure silver films.

Misunderstood flying fox could prove bat species demise, warn scientists

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:16 AM PST

A large fruit-eating bat native to Mauritius is the subject of controversy over the announcement of a major cull to protect the Indian island's fruit crops, despite a lack of evidence as to the extent of damage directly attributed to the endangered species. Monitoring the damage directly caused by the Mauritian flying fox to commercial fruit, researchers found the bat is responsible for only some, and could be managed effectively without the need to cull.

Con­ser­va­tion areas help bird­life ad­apt to cli­mate change

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:16 AM PST

A warming climate is pushing organisms towards the circumpolar areas and mountain peaks. A recently conducted study on changes in bird populations reveals that protected areas slow down the north-bound retreat of species.

Fish's brain size influenced by habitat

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:15 AM PST

This is the first known study to connect habitat with varying brain size in a single lake fish population. The finding may provide clues about how fish and other creatures will respond to mounting environmental stressors from pollution to climate change. Researchers say bigger brains contain more neurons, and more connections among them, that lend its owner cognitive and behavioral smarts that may help it adapt to new environments.

Modelling reveals dynamics of climate change, urbanization and heat-mitigating technologies

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:15 AM PST

Researchers have completed some of the most sophisticated modeling of the effects of climate change and urban centers in the US, and are finding that some of today's proposed solutions will provide only a fraction of relief from the projected heat.

New strategy discovered toward possible prevention of cancers tied to mono

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:15 AM PST

Researchers have discovered a possible path forward in preventing the development of cancers tied to two viruses, including the virus that causes infectious mononucleosis -- more commonly known as mono or the 'kissing disease' -- that infects millions of people around the globe each year.

New insights into the aging brain

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 10:15 AM PST

A group of scientists investigated why the choroid plexus contains so much more klotho than other brain regions.They showed that klotho functions as a gatekeeper that shields the brain from the peripheral immune system.

Developing instruments to detect language problems earlier

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 06:59 AM PST

Using the Computerized Comprehension Task, the team measured concepts by asking children to touch images on a touch-sensitive screen that represented words they were learning. The team used a measure of vocabulary that focused on stable concepts, finding that it was superior to prior measures in predicting children's general language ability at age 3. The team also identified individual children at risk for language problems a full two years earlier than prior studies.

'Strongest evidence yet' that being obese causes depression

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 06:59 AM PST

New research has found the strongest evidence yet that obesity causes depression, even in the absence of other health problems.

AI capable of outlining in a single chart information from thousands of scientific papers

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 06:59 AM PST

Scientists have developed a Computer-Aided Material Design (CAMaD) system capable of extracting information related to fabrication processes and material structures and properties -- factors vital to material design -- and organizing and visualizing the relationship between them. The use of this system enables information from thousands of scientific and technical articles to be summarized in a single chart, rationalizing and expediting material design.

How a spider and a pitcher plant can benefit from collaboration

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 06:59 AM PST

Ecologists have shed light on the relationship between the slender pitcher plant and its 'tenant', the crab spider Thomisus nepenthiphilus, providing insights to the little known foraging behaviors of the spider.

New light cast on fishing throughout history

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 06:59 AM PST

A new study has revealed new insights into ancient fishing throughout history, including what type of fish people were regularly eating as part of their diet.

Children with autism thrive in mainstream pre-schools

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 06:59 AM PST

In a world first, breakthrough research has shown that toddlers with autism are just as capable of learning important life skills through early-intervention delivered in mainstream pre-schools as in specialized settings.

Stripping the linchpins from the life-making machine reaffirms its seminal evolution

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 06:59 AM PST

This experiment had a good chance of crashing. Instead, it delivered whopping evidence to corroborate the earliest evolution of the translational system, the mechanisms which make life out of our genes. The study swapped out all its magnesium, tabula rasa, and showed that the system, centering on the ribosome, would have thrived basically as it is today 4 billion years ago at the earliest foundations of life on Earth.

The whole tooth: New method to find biological sex from a single tooth

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 06:59 AM PST

Researchers have come up with a new way to estimate the biological sex of human skeletal remains based on protein traces from teeth.

Bacterial pneumonia far more dangerous to the heart than viral pneumonia

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 05:24 AM PST

Heart complications in patients diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia are more serious than in patients diagnosed with viral pneumonia, according to new research.

Weight during adolescence may affect pancreatic cancer risk in adulthood

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 05:24 AM PST

New research has linked adolescent obesity with up to a four-fold increased risk of pancreatic cancer later in life. The study's results also suggest that overweight and even higher weight within the 'normal' weight range in men may increase pancreatic cancer risk in a graded manner.

Kawasaki disease: One disease, multiple triggers

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 05:24 AM PST

Researchers have evidence that Kawasaki Disease (KD) does not have a single cause. By studying weather patterns and geographical distributions of patients in San Diego, the research team determined that this inflammatory disease likely has multiple environmental triggers influenced by a combination of temperature, precipitation and wind patterns.

Defective DNA damage repair leads to chaos in the genome

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 05:24 AM PST

Scientists have now found a cause for the frequent catastrophic events in the genetic material of cancer cells that have only been known for a few years: If an important DNA repair system of the cells has failed, this promotes fragmentation and defective assembly of the genetic material. Cancer cells with such a repair defect can now possibly be treated by a specific group of drugs.

How your muscles form

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 05:24 AM PST

An international team of researchers discovers two proteins essential to the development of skeletal muscle.

Urban planning policy contributes to political polarization

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 05:24 AM PST

Urban planning decisions from decades past are likely a contributing factor to the rise of right-wing populism, a new study has found.

It's not trails that disturb forest birds, but the people on them

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 05:24 AM PST

The physical presence of trails has less impact on forest birds than how frequently the trails are used by people, finds the first study to disentangle the effect of forest trails from the presence of humans. This is also the case when trails have been used for decades, suggesting that forest birds do not get used to human activity. To minimize disturbance, people should avoid roaming from designated pathways.

Exosomes 'swarm' to protect against bacteria inhaled through the nose

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 05:24 AM PST

A research team describes a newly discovered mechanism. The findings shed new light on our immune systems -- and also pave the way for drug delivery techniques to be developed that harness this natural transportation process from one group of cells to another.

Decrease in specific gene 'silencing' molecules linked with pediatric brain tumors

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 05:24 AM PST

Experimenting with lab-grown brain cancer cells, researchers have added to evidence that a shortage of specific tiny molecules that silence certain genes is linked to the development and growth of pediatric brain tumors known as low-grade gliomas.