ScienceDaily: Plants & Animals News

New DNA-based chip can be programmed to solve complex math problems

Posted: 14 Sep 2021 03:48 PM PDT

A novel chip automates the reaction cascades occurring between molecules inside DNA to carry out complex mathematical calculations.

Researchers discover hormonal regulatory module for root elongation

Posted: 14 Sep 2021 12:25 PM PDT

Plants respond to mild nitrogen deficiency by elongating their lateral roots. In this way, more nitrogen can be absorbed than before. Researchers have now discovered a hormonal regulatory module that mediates the molecular processes of this adaptation. Brassinosteroids and auxins play a central role in this.

One water bucket to find them all: Detecting fish, mammals, and birds from a single sample

Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:57 AM PDT

In times of exacerbating biodiversity loss, reliable data on species occurrence are essential. Environmental DNA (eDNA) - DNA released from organisms into the water - is increasingly used to detect fishes in biodiversity monitoring campaigns. However, eDNA turns out to be capable of providing much more than fish occurrence data, including information on other vertebrates. A study demonstrates how comprehensively vertebrate diversity can be assessed at no additional costs.

How genetic islands form among marine molluscs

Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:56 AM PDT

Usually, the individuals of a population of marine species that have the potential to disperse over long distances all share a similar genetic composition. Yet every now and then, at small, localized sites, small groups of genetically different individuals suddenly appear within populations for a short period of time. A new study explains how this chaotic formation of genetic islands can occur in marine molluscs.

Study provides basis to evaluate food subsectors' emissions of three greenhouse gases

Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:56 AM PDT

A new, location-specific agricultural greenhouse gas emission study is the first to account for net carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions from all subsectors related to food production and consumption. The work could help identify the primary plant- and animal-based food sectors contributing to three major greenhouse gas emissions and allow policymakers to take action to reduce emissions from the top-emitting food commodities at different locations across the globe.

When predators matter! Study of voles on Arctic island advances knowledge of small-mammal population dynamics

Posted: 10 Sep 2021 02:27 PM PDT

A decades-long study of introduced voles on the Norwegian islands of Svalbard is helping to answer a longstanding puzzle of Arctic ecology -- what drives the well-established population cycles of small Arctic mammals, such as voles and lemmings. These plant-eating rodents are among the most populous Arctic mammals. The results suggest the importance of predators as a primary factor driving the cycles, and shows that bottom-up, herbivore-plant interactions fail to generate their usual population cycles.

Memory killer T cells are primed in the spleen during influenza infection

Posted: 10 Sep 2021 02:27 PM PDT

CD8+ T cells -- known as "killer" T cells -- are the assassins of the immune system. Once they are primed, they seek out and destroy other cells that are infected with virus or cells that are cancerous. Priming involves dendritic cells -- sentinels of the immune system. In an influenza infection in the lungs, for example, lung-migratory dendritic cells capture a piece of the viral antigen, and then migrate out of the lung to the place where naïve T cells reside, to present that antigen to the CD8+ T cells. This primes the T cells to know which cells to attack. The place for the priming in influenza had long been thought to be restricted to a single anatomical site -- the lung-draining, mediastinal lymph nodes that lie between the lungs and the spine. This lymph node-centric paradigm now has been challenged.

When wolves are at the door – what communities need to get on with new neighbors

Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:16 AM PDT

Large carnivore populations are expanding across Europe and experts are calling for increased support for communities to encourage harmonious relationships with their new neighbors.

The vampire that doesn’t suck blood: New parasite-host relationships in Amazonian candirus

Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:16 AM PDT

Scientists report a vampire fish attached to the body of an Amazonian thorny catfish. Very unusually, the candirus were attached close to the lateral bone plates, rather than the gills, where they are normally found. Since the hosts were not badly harmed, and the candirus apparently derived no food benefit, scientists believe this association is commensalistic rather than parasitic.