ScienceDaily: Space & Time News

Why is this weird, metallic star hurtling out of the Milky Way?

Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:06 PM PDT

About 2,000 light-years away from Earth, there is a star catapulting toward the edge of the Milky Way. This particular star is one of a unique breed of fast-moving stars -- remnant pieces of massive white dwarf stars -- that have survived in chunks after a gigantic stellar explosion.

Finding the cause of a fatal problem in rocket engine combustors

Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:01 AM PDT

A vital piece of gas engines, combustors -- the chambers in which the combustion powering the engine occurs -- have the problem of breaking down due to fatal high-frequency oscillations during the combustion process. Now, through advanced time-series analyses based on complex systems, researchers have found what causes them, opening up novel paths to solving the problem.