ScienceDaily: Strange Science News

Hot-blooded T. rex and cold-blooded Stegosaurus: Chemical clues reveal dinosaur metabolisms

Posted: 25 May 2022 08:08 AM PDT

There's a new method for determining whether dinosaurs were hot- or cold-blooded, using clues in their bones that indicated how much the individual animals breathed in their last hour of life. The study shows that the bird-hipped dinosaurs like T. rex and Brachiosaurus were hot-blooded, while the lizard-hipped dinosaurs like Triceratops and Stegosaurus were cold-blooded.

New discovery about distant galaxies: Stars are more massive than we thought

Posted: 25 May 2022 07:29 AM PDT

A team of astrophysicists has arrived at a major result regarding star populations beyond the Milky Way. The result could change our understanding of a wide range of astronomical phenomena, including the formation of black holes, supernovae and why galaxies die.

Wake up and smell the burning rubbish? Secrets of disordered smell found

Posted: 25 May 2022 07:29 AM PDT

Researchers have discovered the secrets of why certain food and drinks smell (and likely taste) disgusting to people with parosmia.

Hubble reaches new milestone in mystery of universe's expansion rate

Posted: 24 May 2022 01:00 PM PDT

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has calibrated more than 40 'milepost markers' of space and time to help scientists precisely measure the expansion rate of the universe -- a quest with a plot twist.

Breakthrough in quantum universal gate sets: A high-fidelity iToffoli gate

Posted: 24 May 2022 09:49 AM PDT

Researchers have demonstrated the first three-qubit high-fidelity iToffoli native gate in a superconducting quantum information processor and in a single step. This demonstration adds a novel easy-to-implement native three-qubit logic gate for universal quantum computing.

Traveling wave of light sparks simple liquid crystal microposts to perform complex dance

Posted: 24 May 2022 09:48 AM PDT

Mastering control over the dynamic interplay among optical, chemical and mechanical behavior in single-material, liquid crystalline elastomers, results in microposts that combine bending, twisting and turning into complex dances. The advancement could contribute toward further development of soft robotics and other devices.