ScienceDaily: Top Health News

Researchers identify a new mechanism responsible for controlling auditory sensitivity

Posted: 22 Jul 2022 03:48 PM PDT

CU Anschutz researchers have identified a new mechanism of how auditory sensitivity is regulated, making more sense of how our hearing is so precise -- and providing insight into how we can better protect auditory sensitivity from damage.

Colorectal cancer tumors both helped and hindered by T cells

Posted: 22 Jul 2022 03:48 PM PDT

Colorectal tumors are swarming with white blood cells, but whether these cells help or hinder the cancer is hotly debated. While some studies have shown that white blood cells heroically restrict tumor growth and combat colorectal cancer, equally compelling evidence casts the white blood cells as malignant co-conspirators -- bolstering the tumor and helping it spread.

How the intestine replaces and repairs itself

Posted: 22 Jul 2022 03:48 PM PDT

A new study suggests that stem cells are able to integrate cues from their surroundings and coordinate their behavior across tissue through networks of vasculature in their close vicinity.

International study identifies risks for long COVID in children

Posted: 22 Jul 2022 09:33 AM PDT

Nearly six percent of children who presented to the emergency department (ED) with COVID-19 reported symptoms of long COVID 90-days later, according to a study conducted in eight countries. Initial hospitalization of 48 or more hours, four or more symptoms at the initial ED visit, and age 14 years or older were associated with long COVID.

'Smart necklace' biosensor may track health status through sweat

Posted: 22 Jul 2022 09:32 AM PDT

Researchers have successfully tested a device that may one day use the chemical biomarkers in sweat to detect changes in a person's health.

Strengthening the immune response to cancer

Posted: 22 Jul 2022 09:32 AM PDT

A team of medical researchers want to improve our immune defenses against cancer. They have recently shown in human cells what was previously only possible in mouse models. Their findings have raised the chances of a highly effective immunotherapy being developed for blood cancer.

New clues to how maternal antibodies can protect babies from cytomegalovirus

Posted: 22 Jul 2022 09:32 AM PDT

Antibodies that summon virus-engulfing white blood cells may play an important role in protecting infants from potentially serious congenital infection with human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), according to a new study.

Potential target for Type 1 diabetes treatment

Posted: 22 Jul 2022 05:24 AM PDT

Scientists have discovered a pathway to the regeneration of insulin in pancreatic stem cells, a major breakthrough toward new therapies to treat Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Using the pancreas stem cells of a type 1 diabetic donor, researchers were able to effectively reactivate them to become insulin-expressing and functionally resemble beta-like cells through the use of a drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration but not currently licensed for diabetes treatment.

A new take on the 'marshmallow test': When it comes to resisting temptation, a child's cultural upbringing matters

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 05:49 PM PDT

Fifty years after the famous 'marshmallow test' found that children who resist temptation do better on measures of life success, a study of preschoolers in Boulder and Japan reveals that what kids are willing to wait for depends on their cultural upbringing.

Women urged to eat potassium-rich foods to improve their heart health

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 05:48 PM PDT

Women who eat bananas, avocados and salmon could reduce the negative effects of salt in the diet, according to a new study. The study found that potassium-rich diets were associated with lower blood pressure, particularly in women with high salt intake.

Healthy sleep habits before kindergarten help children adjust to school

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 12:22 PM PDT

The transition to kindergarten is a notable milestone for children and families, who typically prepare by gathering school supplies and meeting the teacher. New research suggests that one important way to prepare for the transition to first-time schooling is to develop a bedtime routine in which children consistently get at least 10 hours of sleep at night, which will help them adjust during the transition.

Gender pay gap linked to unpaid chores in childhood

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 12:22 PM PDT

Young women and girls' time spent in unpaid household work contributes to the gender pay gap, according to new research. The research shows women's later employment participation is affected by taking on the weight of this care burden in childhood, thus adding to existing inequality gaps in the study countries.

How different cancer cells respond to drug-delivering nanoparticles

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 11:15 AM PDT

Researchers have discovered thousands of biological traits that influence whether cancer cells take up nanoparticles. Researchers analyzed interactions between 35 different types of nanoparticles and nearly 500 types of cancer cells.

Early Alzheimer's detection up to 17 years in advance

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 10:20 AM PDT

A sensor identifies misfolded protein biomarkers in the blood. This offers a chance to detect Alzheimer's disease before any symptoms occur.

Natural food more mouth-watering to children than processed fare

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 10:20 AM PDT

Children are more likely to prefer foods they believe to be natural to lab-grown options, rating them higher for tastiness, safety and desirability, a study shows. Researchers say the tendency in adults to prefer natural food is well documented. However, the latest findings found this food preference exists in early and middle childhood as well.

Software program allows simultaneous viewing of tissue images through dimensionality reduction

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 10:20 AM PDT

Imaging of tissue specimens is an important aspect of translational research that bridges the gap between basic laboratory science and clinical science to improve the understanding of cancer and aid in the development of new therapies. To analyze images to their fullest potential, scientists ideally need an application that enables multiple images to be viewed simultaneously.

Why some flu viruses cause more severe infections

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 10:20 AM PDT

Research uses computational modeling to try to understand the body's immune response to avian flu. His latest work finds that the levels of interferon may be responsible for its more severe presentation -- and may also be the key to treating it.

New combination therapy shows early promise against certain lung cancers

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 12:06 PM PDT

Scientists have found that using immunotherapy alongside a drug that blocks a common gene mutation in lung cancer could be a promising new combination therapy for certain types of lung tumors. Their work could help select patients for clinical trials to confirm whether this combination therapy is effective in people.