California government to blame for gas price ‘gouging’ • The California Legislature is ‘helping’ fast-food workers by killing their jobs
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Friday, November 17, 2023

SCOTUS lays down a code of conduct

You might think that the august band of American lawyers called the United States Supreme Court would have, down the centuries, seen fit to put down in writing a code of ethical conduct for its members just because … well, because it’s the right thing to do for such a powerful branch of the federal government.

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California government to blame for gas price ‘gouging’

We already know the cause of higher prices for gas in California: the tax and regulatory gouging by the state itself.

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The California Legislature is ‘helping’ fast-food workers by killing their jobs

The unions are claiming a victory for workers, but it’s not hard to guess the result.

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A moderate third party alternative could give the GOP and Democrats serious problems

Unless the parties change – which they so far refuse to do – there’s plenty of appetite for a replacement party.

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The world is on fire. Here are tips for giving effectively in times of crisis

Each of us has the capacity to make a difference, to turn tragedy into action, and in the process, meet the urgent needs of the moment.

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Despite Newsom veto, California can lead on psychedelics policy

Gov. Newsom should take the opportunity to provide a lifeline for Californians struggling with mental health conditions and set a precedent for responsible drug policy nationwide.

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Progressives who denounced the hate at Charlottesville are now displaying hate of their own

What they really are is the new tiki torch carriers. And that is how history will remember them.

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Judge Andrew Napolitano: What happened to freedom of speech in America?

The government can never morally or legally interfere with speech because of its content.

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LA City Hall scandals never go away

There are new developments in some of the Los Angeles City Hall scandals, which continue to multiply like rabbits.

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Tustin hangar a victim of government foot dragging

The government – and the feds, in particular – have never been good stewards of public property.

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