Media Winners & Losers

Andrew Kaczynski

CNN's Andrew Kaczynski has a solid track record of detailed, investigative journalism -- his KFILE team's latest report on Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D-NY) misrepresentations over nursing home Covid deaths is the latest example -- and over the past year, he has taken on a new role: advocate for pediatric cancer research.

Kaczynski and his wife, Wall Street Journal's Rachel Ensign, lost their baby daughter Francesca (nicknamed "Beans") on Christmas Eve last year to a rare brain tumor. They've done everything they can to turn their pain into hope for other families by using their media platforms to raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer research.

An online fundraiser for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has collected nearly $600,000, a real blessing in the search for a cure for pediatric cancers, many of which lack dedicated funding because they are too rare for the investment in medicines to be profitable. Kaczynski and Ensign were on The View on Wednesday to share Francesca's story and encourage people to support pediatric cancer research funding. 

Today should have been Francesca's first birthday. Because of the work by her parents, other children will get to celebrate more birthdays. What a perfect way to honor her memory.

Sean Davis

Sean Davis, founder of The Federalist, watched Tucker Carlson getting excoriated for his criticism of New York Times reporter Taylor Lorenz, and apparently thought to himself, "Ha, I can outdo him."

Davis joined the Fox News host on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Wednesday as they mocked her description of the online harassment she has received. Besides the fact that online harassment is real (Lorenz has received multiple death threats), Davis decided to ratchet the scorn meter up a few notches by likening Lorenz to a pedophile.

Yes, really.

Lorenz's journalism beat involves digital trends among youth, and Davis framed it in a maliciously salacious way. 

“She’s actually the journalism equivalent of the creeper, cruising the schoolyard, asking the kids if they want any free attention in The New York Times,” said Davis. “She stalks teenagers on the internet.”

"Look, Taylor Lorenz is not beyond fair and reasonable criticism," wrote Mediaite's Colby Hall. "Nobody is. But suggesting her behavior is akin to pedophilia is neither fair, reasonable, nor responsible."

Davis probably won't like the headline Hall wrote, but we think it was well-deserved. 

The A-Block

Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, everybody!

We've got two very different televised messages about the coronavirus vaccine for you today. 

Every former living U.S. president and First Lady, except former President Donald Trump and former First Lady Melania Trump, took part in a video produced by the Ad Council to encourage Americans to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

“This vaccine means hope,” said former President Barack Obama. “It will protect you and those you love from this dangerous and deadly disease.”

The ad goes on with George W. Bush and Bill Clinton talking about what they want to do once more people are vaccinated. The commercial also flashes pictures of the Obamas, the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Carters receiving their inoculations and delivering a combined message encouraging others to do the same.

The Trumps' absence was even more noteworthy coming shortly after news broke that they were vaccinated back in January, raising questions about why they kept it a secret, considering the higher vaccine hesitancy among Trump supporters.

The second Covid message comes from the wildly wacky minds of Trey Parker and Matt Stone, in the South ParQ Vaccination Special

The hourlong cartoon about the foul-mouthed Colorado kids took on cancel culture, anti-vaxxers, and QAnon

In Other News...

• Schumer Calls Cuomo Harassment Allegations ‘Nauseating’ After The ViewHosts Ask if Governor Should Resign

• Stacey Dash, After Washing Out at Fox News, Has Now Turned On Trump

• 'That's Some Hogwash Bullsh*t': Unemployed WV Man Trashes GOP to CNN Reporter for Party's Unanimous Opposition to Covid Relief Bill

• Mediaite Enters The Subscription Business... For Real

Must See Clip

‘Educate Me!’

Sharon Osbourne lashed out at her co-hosts on the CBS chat show The Talk as she tried to defend her defense of Piers Morgan, eventually demanding that Sheryl Underwood not cry, and screaming at her to “Educate me!” on the accusations of racism that Morgan faces from the public.

It's truly an epic set of segments. Yes, more than one. 

“And don’t try and cry, because if anybody should be crying, it should be me," is an actual thing that was said.

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