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Dear Voornaam,

You may have already received the newest edition of our supporter magazine, Search, in the post. If not, you can download it now:

Read Search Autumn 2023

It has been a busy and exciting year as we look ahead to our exciting new research strategy. We hope you enjoy reading about the progress we are making against cancer  - and this is only possible thanks to your support.

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A crystal structure of a protein used for drug design Our researchers have found that a new drug combination is twice as effective as the next best treatment for a rare type of ovarian cancer that does not respond well to drugs. In Search we explore this exciting area of discovery with the hope this new treatment will become the standard of care for women with advanced low-grade serious ovarian cancer.

Sport champions kick-start race to finish cancer

Olympic gold medallist Greg Rutherford MBE and Paralympic gold medallist Erin Kennedy MBE kickstarted our race to finish cancer, wearing our bespoke running shoes to help to raise awareness and support for our world-leading research. 

Cancer cells set to be launched into space

A pioneering research project led by the ICR’s Professor Chris Jones will launch childhood cancer cells into space to conduct experiments in ‘microgravity’ aboard the International Space Station. 

The incredible discoveries in Search magazine showcases just some of the progress our researchers are making every day to defeat cancer. But we can’t do this alone. We need you to support our research to develop kinder, smarter cancer treatments.
Thank you
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Our supporter care team is here to help you. If you have any questions, please email and one of our team will get back to you within three working days. 

My warmest thanks again for your support of the ICR.

Lannah Carbonilla
Head of Supporter Engagement

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