Dr. Sanjay Gupta interviews a BrainHQ user
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See BrainHQ on CNN

Did you see BrainHQ on CNN? Dr. Sanjay Gupta discussed the ACTIVE study and interviewed Kathy Lasky, one of our BrainHQ users, for his Vital Signs show. Watch now!

As you know…

Each user has his or her own personal experience with BrainHQ, and individual results will vary. Kathy is a "super user" of BrainHQ. Still, her quest to improve her memory and sharpen her skills are backed by many studies showing users, on average, see significant improvements in speed, attention, memory and other cognitive skills. Those studies have resulted in more than 100 peer-reviewed papers. Even though the show presented only a quick summary of recent ACTIVE study results, you can find more detail here.

We are always interested in your experiences, when you train with BrainHQ!


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