Vaccine selfie warning — Netflix cracking down
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Breaking Tech News You Need to Know

See everything Google knows about you with one search

See everything Google knows about you with one search

The amount of data Google knows about you could probably fill the Grand Canyon. Everything from which websites you like to frequent to your dream vehicle is most likely in Google's data bank. Some of the information is pretty comical. We can show you how to find everything the tech giant thinks it knows about you.

Tap or click here to see exactly what Google knows. →
Warning: Why you shouldn’t post a selfie with your vaccine card

Warning: Why you shouldn’t post a selfie with your vaccine card

The COVID vaccine is rolling out across the country, and many people who have gotten it are ecstatic. But there is one huge privacy mistake that many are making that could lead to having their identity stolen. We've got details on what they're doing wrong and how to avoid falling victim to identity thieves.

Tap or click here to see what not to do after getting the vaccine. →

The tech world changes by the minute. Stay ahead of the curve with The Current, delivered twice weekly. No ads, no BS.

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Today's top story

Browser extension security: Check to see if these add-ons can access your bank info

Browser extension security: Check to see if these add-ons can access your bank info

Browser extensions have transformed the way many use the internet. By installing a handy piece of software, they can allow you to perform instant translations, search for coupon codes, display exchange rates and much more. But while they are no doubt useful, some could be hiding a sneaky surprise.

Tap or click to see how browser extensions can steal your data. →
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Audio briefing

No more free Netflix

Every day, Netflix is ripped off. A whopping 30% of Netflix customers share passwords with family and friends. Now, the streaming service is saying, “Enough is enough.”

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True or false: You should reboot your computer every day

True or false: You should reboot your computer every day

What's the first thing your IT department asks when you are having computer problems? Did you try rebooting it? While it can be frustrating to be asked if you've performed the same trivial task every time, rebooting will take care of many problems. But how often should you reboot your system? We'll give you the proper procedure.

Tap or click here to find out how often to reboot your computer. →
Need tech help? Stop calling your kids and do this instead

Need tech help? Stop calling your kids and do this instead

When you need quick tech help where do you turn? Google can only take you so far, so you might be used to calling up your kids or another tech-savvy relative. The truth is, they're busy and they might not always know the answer. Kim found a trustworthy solution you can rely on, whenever you need it.

Tap or click for expert help to all your PC problems. →

Trending on

1. 12 essential tech solutions to modernize your car. Tap or click to turn your older vehicle into a modern marvel.
2. 52% of apps share your data – See the biggest offenders. Tap or click here to protect your privacy.
3. Fed up with the car warranty robocall? Tap or click here for the one mistake you can't make.
4. Your work from home tax questions, answered. Tap or click for helpful tax tips before it's too late.
5. Stimulus checks: See how much you’ll receive this round. Tap or click for a nifty stimulus check calculator.

Watch-worthy video

Does the golden ratio actually exist?

Does the golden ratio actually exist?

The golden ratio is an extraordinary number that underlies everything from pine cones to The Great Pyramid in Egypt. But is it actually as exceptional as some people say? Is there really one special number that makes up the universe? There isn’t a simple answer.

Tap or click for a cool lesson in numbers. →

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The Kim Komando Show airs from coast to coast on 400 radio stations and on demand. Use our handy station finder to see how you can listen in your area. Every show is packed with all the latest tech news, digital tips and security info you need to stay safe. Don't miss this weekend's episode!

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Are you tired of weeding through the videos that seem interesting but end up being a disappointment? Stop wasting hours of your life searching YouTube feeds and follow my Kim Komando channel instead! I'll show the videos you actually want to watch and keep you up to date with the latest technology, news, and those incredibly cute videos!

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