SNV at COP22
Our side event at COP22 in Marrakesh is fast approaching. Join us to explore how public-private partnerships and technology are mobilising adaptation and mitigation at scale. Keynote speaker will be Minister Lilianne Ploumen, Kingdom of the Netherlands Minister for Foreign Trade & Development Cooperation. The event is taking place on 15 November from 15.00-16.30 in Arabian Room. Make sure to read the #ClimateAction blog series below and join the online conversation by using this social media kit.
 Together with CIFOR, we will also be present at the Global Landscapes Forum in Marrakesh on 16 November with a session on how to mobilise large-scale investment for smallholder farmers. Join us!

The Paris Agreement & international development

As the Paris Agreement just entered into force, we are reflecting upon what this momentous occasion means for international development.

Climate change, satellites and pastoralists. What's the link?

Pastoralists are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. But innovative information systems can help them become more resilient to climate shocks.

High time to act!

In the eighties, Ghana still had 8 million hectares of forest left, today barely more than one. And this is a widespread issue. We need to act and have to be fast.

Public-private partnerships & climate action

What role do public-private partnerships play in scaling climate action? And what kind of scaling is needed for such a complex context?

New technology working for our forests

How can mobile apps & drones help reduce deforestation along supply chains and enhance the sustainability of companies' activities?

Pay-as-you-go solar energy for Benin

For the first time in Benin, pay-as-you-go solar products are being introduced to the market. This will greatly contribute to climate change mitigation in the country.

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