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Are self-driving shuttles the work perk of the future?

Apple is partnering with Volkswagen to build self-driving vans for employees, which could signal a broader trend.

Additional TechRepublic resources

AWS facial recognition tool for police highlights controversy of AI in certain markets

IBM to add 1,800 jobs in France to 'meet growing demand for AI'

Why Qualcomm's Snapdragon 710 could bring AI power to even more smartphones

Google and LG's high-resolution OLED display sets stage for future of enterprise AR and VR

Cracking Open the Polaroid Snap Touch camera printer combo

Today's recommended downloads

Principled Technologies big data workloads challenge: AWS vs IBM Cloud


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Photos: The OnePlus 6 smartphone

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A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Sensor'd enterprise: IoT, ML, and big data

The internet of things embeds intelligence into business processes to let us measure and manage the enterprise in ways that were never possible before.

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